Some COM Questions

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-1 comments, last by hellz 20 years, 2 months ago
Hey all, I''ve recently had to start learning about COM theory and implementation, and whilst there are some things I understand, I feel a few key concepts, coupled with the correct terminology, are confusing me and I wondered if someone would be kind enough to answer a few questions for me? 1. The term "COM server" seems to crop up a lot. Is the COM server the instantiated object itself, or the COM runtime library (or perhaps even something else)? 2. Could anyone possibly explain the COM threading models to me, in plain english? What I''ve read so far, seems to be purely based around giving the reader as many technical terms to digest, as possible; it''s rather confusing to someone who''s starting out. 3. Am I right in saying that an Interface is basically a group of function pointers in a vtable and is separate from the class that implements your COM object? Sorry if these sound obvious, but I''ve never seen so much jargon on a subject before. It''s probably quite simple, but it''s escaping me at the moment. Thanks in advance, -hellz

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