Generating Planets Using 3D Perlin Noise

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0 comments, last by C Coder 20 years, 1 month ago
Hi, Im using perlin noise to generate a planets surface in real time. Problem is what x,y,z points should i feed into my perlinnoise to return the height of the land? If I use 2D perlinnoise and use the longitude/latitude angles then I have a problem that the planet does not matchup correctly as the angles rapp around (0-360). So Im using 3d perlinenoise (x,y,z), where x,y,z are the Normalized components of the given vertex, this produces a circular pattern to the planets surface? help please.
you can use anything you want, as long as your input coordinates are continous, this pretty much limits you to 3d noise, but i dont think it will matter a lot if you normalize your input coordinates.

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