Do I need anything other than "The Red Book" ?

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23 comments, last by wyrd 19 years, 11 months ago
I''ve done a few 2D games, but never 3D. I''ve heard that OpenGL is far easier to learn than Direct3D, so I figured I''d give it a shot. I have actually been browsing some tutorials and the old version of "The Red Book" (v1.1 online), and it doesn''t look too difficult to pick up. Anyway.. aside from "The Red Book" (which is 4th edition now, right?), is there anything else I should be picking up at the book store while I''m there? Thanks in advance.
Well, if you have money, I''d also pick a book about 3D stuff (like making a software renderer, 3D algorithms and the math behind them, etc.)
I''m only up to calculus in college (I will be taking it next semester). Based on that, what 3D math book would you recommend? This is one I managed to find that everyone seems to like;

3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development

Good reviews on both this site and Amazon.

On a semi-related note; should I get "The Red Book" 3rd edition used? It''d save me about $20-$25. Or is the latest version that much better and worth the extra cash?
I don''t know what math boosk you need. that depends of your math knowledge. I have almost 0 math knowledge (I do know some trigonometry and geometry, but when it comes to matrices I am fucked).
I would recommand you to get the 1.4 version of the book, because there are many new additions to 1.4.
How about the Blue Book?

World of Golem
The Blue Book is windows specific, and it''s not, IMHO, as good as the red book.
A good book about 3D in general is LaMothe''s Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus:Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization. As for OpenGL, the red book (You do mean OpenGL Programming Guide right?) should be all you''ll need. You might want to take a look at NeHe''s tutorials NeHe Homepage.

Good Links: C++ Reference, Java API
SDL Home Page, Lua Scripting Language, Python Scripting Language
Chris Taylor''s Design Document (Downloadabe MS-Word Only), Blitz Basic Homepage
quote:Original post by Raduprv
The Blue Book is windows specific, and it''s not, IMHO, as good as the red book.

Uh, no it isn''t. The blue book is basically the OpenGL API reference book - all the commands listed with descriptions of useage, arguments, side effects, etc.

It is an excerlent reference book, but its not a learning book like the red book.
I appreciate all of the help. Thanks!

I went down to the bookstore and flipped through "The Red Book" (yes, OpenGL Programming Guide) and the math book I mentioned above. I was quite pleased with "The Red Book" and felt it explained everything in great detail (probably even more so since all I did was skim the first couple chapters). I should be OK with just this book.

I also flipped through the math book I mentioned. It seemed a bit basic, and quite a large chunk of it is already explained in my Algebra/Trig book. With the exception of some of the more advanced basic math (condradicting as that may sound), I think I should be all right. Plus, if I have any questions, there''s always google and the forums located on this board.
The Red Book is basicaly THE Book to have when it comes to OpenGL programming, you wont regret buying it thats for certain.

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