Help with my WndProc

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10 comments, last by Slaru 19 years, 10 months ago
My CreateWindowEx function is this:
m_hWnd = CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle,						szWindowClass,						szTitle,						WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | // Required Window Style for OpenGL						WS_CLIPCHILDREN | // Required Window Style for OpenGL						dwStyle,						CW_USEDEFAULT,						CW_USEDEFAULT,						((WinRect.right) - (WinRect.left)),						((WinRect.bottom) - (,						NULL,						NULL,						m_hInst,						NULL);

I knew that I wouldn't ever enter my rendering part of the loop already, I was just telling you guys. The only time I am changing my position, z-order, or size would be on creation of the window. When I remove the messagebox and dont debug, the window still closes. If i don't process the message, the same thing happens still.

When I am debugging, I have found that the message is called a few times, and after the window is created and displayed, and then the last time it processes it, I jump into the dissasembly and find it always closes the window when it reaches a command 'leave'. If that is of any help, I don't know. My guess is that means leave the function??
I am the biggest moron ever (again). I never actually entered my messageloop. I had something like this in main():


// MessageLoop(); <-- should have added this. doh!

return 0;

Thanks for the help though

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