How many does your engine link to?

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47 comments, last by 1LINUXuser 19 years, 5 months ago
Quote:Original post by Koshmaar
Anyway... Those alone make my distro large (my executable is a tiny 30K after packing and any demo data is largely generated procedurally so they are the main culprits). I'm still kind of annoyed that SDL_image reguires me to carry along libpng1.dll, jpeg.dll, and zlib.dll even though I don't actually use them at all.

This also annoyed me very badly, so I've searched for other, alternative libraries that could load RGBA .png files (cause in only them I was interested in), would not link to any other external libraries (at least, no additional .dlls needed) and would produce SDL_Surface (well, this one was a little too unrealistic, but theese specs were for dream-like lib, I knew eventually I would need to write some wrapper code myself). I've spent whole day searching through Google, Sourceforge, SDL sites, on GameDev, Flipcode... you know what? I found literally _nothing_. 95% of them used libpng etc., 4% that weren't using it, were only in commercial versions, and the last 1%... couldn't load png's :-/
This world is so cruel... ;-)

You can compile libpng (and zlib, libjpeg) as a static library so it will compile directly into your code without needing a .dll

I don't know if SDL_Image has support for that, but using libpng directly is pretty simple to do.


directsound (plan to change to openAL)
... and some small open source applications' codes.. :P

i plan to use newton and LUA, too.
my engine takes the most bare possible: no libs at all expect.
- windows: default windows libs
- linux: Xlib

only modules do link.
- opengl render module: OpenGL libs
- ode physics module: ODE libs

graphic loading will come later. currently using my own loader code. for scripting using my own scripting language libs.

Life's like a Hydra... cut off one problem just to have two more popping out.
Leader and Coder: Project Epsylon | Drag[en]gine Game Engine

You can compile libpng (and zlib, libjpeg) as a static library so it will compile directly into your code without needing a .dll

Thx for the info, but I will stick to SDL_Image, I don't have time to struggle for 500kb less of hard drive space (and compressed with zip it's a lot smaller), there are much more important things to do.

I don't know if SDL_Image has support for that, but using libpng directly is pretty simple to do.

Probably not :-/

DirectX (3D, Sound, Play, D3DX)
dotXSI FTK (to load XSI file format instead of X).

I stripped out all zip support... we plan to use MoleBox for resource compression. We tested it and works great. No need to worry about file formats with this tool.

Nothing else required. Maybe Raknet in the future.


Well... I dropped SDL_ttf now because it was making my distribution huge. Bitmap fonts are much smaller. And I'm linking with FMOD now:). I'm now contemplating LUA...
Quote:Original post by Drew_Benton
There is an awesome program (Sorry, can't remember its name now) that will package *everything* your game needs into a single .exe. It is some sort of special packer that makes distributing your stuff a lot easier, since you only have a single .exe. It works similarly to a zip file, you can edit the archive and what not then rebuild the final .exe. It has a free demo that displays that the trial version cannot be distributed, but if you have a serious project and have lots of .dlls and expect to make $$ with it, I'd recommend using it. It can even do your artwork, sound, and anything else.

I dunno for sure if this is the app you're thinking of, but MoleBox does just as you describe, and I'm certainly looking at it for my final distros since I don't want the end user modifying all the game's images and data files and such.

Anyways, here's my list:

SDL_TTF -> FreeType
SDL_image -> zlib, jpeg, libPNG
Boost -> SmartPtr, Signals, FileSystem

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

STL (Does this count?)

My editor also uses WTL, the engine is just Win32.

- Jordan

i plan to add later SDL_mixer and lua(once i learn it).

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