Do the pros use D3DX

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61 comments, last by Etnu 19 years, 8 months ago
Yeah please accept my apologies if I have offended anyone. There's surely nothing wrong with using D3DX functions. I'll be glad if the day ever comes that I can work on a pure PC/XBOX title.

I just found out the moderators here in this forum have purposely downed my rating way below 1000 because of my opinions and data that I presented. I even gotten private messages from a certain moderator here in this forum with lotsa profanity in it (I could even post it but it would probably just get deleted anyway). I don't think that's professional in the least. The comparisons I presented were accurate timings (well as accurate as a high precision can get). And my findings from my animation system should be pretty accurate since i used my own high precision timer for my engine (actually it's the directx high precision timer that i extracted into my own engine to make it API independant) and I ran it through directx 9.0c new performance analyzer. I just don't think it's fair as a result, I get dissed with a low rating.
Vajuras:: you ran your test in a DEBUG build, but your unoptimised code didnt include any additional debug symbols or or code, whereas the D3DXMATRIX functions do include extra error checking for various precision errors (#inf etc). I know 'cos we recently got bit on the ass at work by a bug doing just this, and found it (thanks to a very helpful MS engineer) using debug builds and some paranoid exception handling.

This has gone way off topic anyway, use D3DX where you need it, i even mix it in with OpenGL rendering without any problems because it saves me using my own maths classes.

There's loads of functions that you can no-doubt rewrite for extra speed to suit your specific needs, (i use D3DX to loads .X's but my own renderer for example), they're utility functions, helpers and handlers and they're mostly very good if you coding for PC/Xbox/etc.

Yes the Pro's use D3DX where they need it.
I have no idea if Carmack uses it or not... and i dont care :)

"Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile"

"Life is short, [the] craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgement difficult."

I rated you down for belittling others, and generally being a prick.

And prick was one of the words I used. Here's the exact text, actually (which was a response to you asking me why your rating went down):

Ratings are determined by your rating relative to the person rating you; if someone who was rated well below you gave you a really bad rating, it would have no impact. If the person was rated well above you, it would have significant impact.

I can tell you right now exactly why the people who have rated you down did so: Your attitude. If you want to be an ass, go ahead and be an ass, but expect the inevitable outcome. The rating system is designed to give a general feel for how friendly / useful the information a particular poster usually posts is. When posts are filled with arrogance, insults, and general impoliteness, people are probably not going to give you positive ratings. This is by design. Nobody really cares what you may or may not know if you're going to be a prick about it.

If you want to improve your rating, keep the opinions civil, give helpful advice, and don't be a dick. If you want to drop your rating, belittle people, give poor advice, and be a complete jerk. It's up to you.

Now then, there's no real point in continuing this thread, so I'm going to close it. If you have a problem with that, feel free to ask again.

---------------------------Hello, and Welcome to some arbitrary temporal location in the space-time continuum.

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