closing unreal maps

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5 comments, last by pammatt 19 years, 9 months ago
Hi guys, My situation is this. My app currently renders a terrain and is able to import Unreal(tm) map files. To do this, I build the level in UnrealEd and using de-intersect, I create a brush which I then export. This brush has all the polys for the world (excluding static meshes of course which I plan to get to later). Now the problem is that I want to place these imported maps on my terrain so I can have various buildings and such placed in various places on the terrain. Unfortunantly, there are no exterior surfaces and the levels where meant to be rendered with the camera on the inside, and not able to fly outside. So my question is can anyone point me in the right direction to solve this. I need to somehow figure out how to close the map so I can view it from the terrain as well as walk inside it. I was thinking about maybe using some sort of convex hull approach but I really am clueless about how I should approach this problem. Thanks in advance for any help you guys could give me and hopefully, my problem is explained clearly enough. -Matt Campbell
turn off backface culling

I love me and you love you.
Well see I tried that but I would also have to flip the normals of everything too. That would work while on the outside but then I am not sure how to handle the transition. For example, when you are standing outside of an entrance.

Anyways, it doesn't appear to me to be as simple as turning off backface culling.
Maybe I seemed too closed minded in my response about the back-face culling. I was hoping to find a little more insight into how one would build fairly large interior structures and mix them with outdoor terrain.

I really want to use a seperate tool for the indoor modeling. Perhaps those familiar with UnrealEd could point me in another direction as well.
Hey, I had the same idea in mind for my little project- import maps from unreal. My plan was to use the .obj files unrealed exports. I have even found some pascal code that this guy wrotes that understands the .unr format. Not an easy feat! I actually started a static lib that reads the .unr format but left it alone after awhile.

Now, about your question. You should try Unreal 2003/2004. The maps are all outdoor now (well a lot of them). You should try exporting those. the problem with what you are trying to do is that those maps are cut out of bsp. They are not meant to viewed from the outside. you have to manually create a structure to enclose the whole thing, like a glass dome or something. just an idea.
Yeah, I bought UT2004 and am therefore using Unreal3D 3.0 I thought about just exporting the entire level including outdoor geometry however, I am more so going after a mostly outdoor environment with several outpost style buildings around. I think the Unreal04 map CTF-Grassyknoll is sort of close that still doesn't have anywhere near as big of a terrain as I would like to work with.

In any case, I exported the CTF-Grassyknoll level and getting some sort of usable terrain information from that is quite daunting. I will however analyze that map some more and maybe figure out a way to create buildings differently.

Just a sidenote, I realize they are meant to be viewed from the inside. The stuff I'm working on will have several purely indoor levels as well. I was just hoping I could figure out a way to get them to work outside so I could use Unreal3D for all of my structural editing.
Alright, well it looks like the simplest way (it also actually makes the most sense) is to use static meshes to form a shell around the indoor BSP geometry. After taking a better look at the CTF-Grassyknoll level it appears to me that the Unreal guys do this as well. Anyways let me know what you guys think about this stuff.

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