The Game Programming Wiki Opens!

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7 comments, last by Ryan Clark 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi All, We've just moved The Game Programming Wiki over to a new dedicated server, and have officially launched the site. At you will find game programming tutorials and source code for all languages and platforms. And, because it is a wiki, anyone can contribute knowledge to help the repository grow! Drop by for a visit, and let us know what you think :) Ryan
--Visit the Game Programming Wiki!
Whatever happened to that game programming wiki at ?

I get a 404
I don't know, actually. I had never heard of it, but I just did a Google search and it shows up in a number of places. All of the links are broken though. Does anybody know?

I was aware, however, of a Game Programming Wiki over at, but it doesn't seem to be too active. It's the only other one I've seen.

--Visit the Game Programming Wiki!

MediaWiki, huh? I've always liked MediaWiki. I'm thinking of switching myself.
I like the DARK layout!
Hey there Brad,

Before I created I searched around for other active Game Programming Wikis, and the only one I found was over at I guess I should've used the keyword "Development" instead of "Programming" in my searches. But anyway, it looks like your wiki focuses more on math, physics, and theory, so hopefully there's not too much overlap. I certainly don't want to step on anyone's toes.

As for Mediawiki, yes it's pretty great. Very flexible and powerful, though it can be a tad slow at times. I moved to a dedicated server a few weeks back, as the wiki was bogging down quite heavily when it was hosted at ibiblio.

--Visit the Game Programming Wiki!
Looks good. Bookmarked, expect me to start polluting it, erm, contributing to it, shortly.
I don't suppose the owner's of these two wiki's would be interested in merging them? Or implementing some ingenious cross-linking system which makes duplicating information unnecessary? This is kind of impractical - the power of a wiki is to contain a lot of information in one place, and having two different ones will spread out the information.
Hey there marijnh. Looking forward to your new pollution ;)

As for the issue of merging the wikis, I would be all for it. Brad had mentioned that he was considering moving to mediawiki anyway. is hosted on a dedicated server so it's very fast, reliable, and flexible.

Obviously we would have to discuss things further, but I am certainly willing to partner on this. The main goal is to provide a great repository of game programming knowledge, for beginners and advanced users alike. A merge would clearly help us edge nearer to this goal!

--Visit the Game Programming Wiki!

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