SDL toggle fullscreen

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3 comments, last by 666_1337 19 years, 7 months ago
Ok. I successfully ported my OpenGL program to Windows except for one thing. SDL_WM_ToggleFullscreen only works under X11. I am trying to make Windows go fullscreen, but when I set the SDL_FULLSCREEN flag to SDL_SetVideoMode and call it again, all my textures for OpenGL are gone and everything is white... Is this why all comercial games reload everything after you change a little thing and do I need to reload all my textures again also?
-- I waz here --
Same thing happened to me I guess the only thing to do is to reload your textures.
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
The way to do it is destroy all the textures, change resolutions, reload all the textures. Other things such as VBO have to be recreated too, I think.
yes all vertex/pixel programs have to be loaded as well, not to difficult, eg in your texture manager include the filename as well thus u can reload all textures again if the resolution changes
Textures are lost like display lists and shader/program-objects because the Open GL Context is destroyed as the Window closes. At least it _should_ be like that. Under X11 you can use glXCopyContext to _save_ the GL States. Although I can't name it, there is a similar function under Windows.
our new version has many new and good features. sadly, the good ones are not new and the new ones are not good

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