need help with rock,paper,sissors code

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19 comments, last by CGameProgrammer 19 years, 7 months ago
I'm trying to make a simple game of rock,paper,sissors my code won't work here it is

//game of rock paper sissors


using namespace std;
int main()
    srand(time(3));//seed the random generater
    int mychoice= ,rock,paper,sissors;
        cout<<"enter rock,paper or sissors";
    int choice = rand(3%) && rock,paper,sissors; 
        if(mychoice = rock && choice = paper)
    cout<<"\nyou lose";
        if(mychoice = paper && choice = rock)
    cout<<"\nyou win";
        if(mychoice = sissors && choice = rock)
    cout<<"\nyou lose";
        if(mychoice = rock && choice = sissors)
    cout<<"\nyou win";
        if(mychoice = paper && choice = sissors)
    cout<<"\nyou lose";
        if(mychoice = sissors && choice = paper)
    cout<<"\nyou win";
            cout<<"\nits a tie";
    return 0;
-----------------------------------Panic and anxiety Disorder HQ
What do you mean by "doesn't work"? Problems I can see:
  • In your if statements, use ==, not =. = means assignment, == means comparison.
  • srand(time(3)) <-- That'll crash. Use NULL, not 3
  • int mychoice= ,rock,paper,sissors; <-- What does that mean? Whats it supposed to do?
  • int choice = rand(3%) && rock,paper,sissors; <-- Again, whats that supposed to do?

If thats C++, its very messed up...
Erm.. Pardon the apparent rudeness but what language is that supposed to be in?
_______________________________ ________ _____ ___ __ _`By offloading cognitive load to the computer, programmers are able to design more elegant systems' - Unununium OS regarding Python
i think i fixed it


#define rock 0
#define paper 1
#define sissors 2

using namespace std;
int main()
srand(time(3));//seed the random generater
int mychoice=0;
cout<<"enter rock(1),paper(2) or sissors(3)";
int choice = rand()%3;
if((mychoice == rock )&& (choice = paper))
cout<<"\nyou lose";
else if((mychoice == paper)(choice = rock))
cout<<"\nyou win";
else if((mychoice == sissors))choice = rock))
cout<<"\nyou lose";
else if((mychoice == rock)(choice = sissors))
cout<<"\nyou win";
else if((mychoice == paper)(choice = sissors))
cout<<"\nyou lose";
else if((mychoice == sissors) && (choice = paper))
cout<<"\nyou win";
cout<<"\nits a tie";
return 0;

googl for a c++ tut
Thats still not fixed.
On if((mychoice == rock )&& (choice = paper)) and the other similar lines, the second = still needs to be ==, and the srand(time(3)); should still crash, or at least not compile - time() takes a pointer to a structure to fill in, not an integer.
well its better
i was vary hard for me to look at
is this why they call it code?
Thanks but I've still got errorsfile
//game of rock paper sissors#include<iostream>#include<cstdlib>#include<ctime>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){    srand(null(3));//seed the random generater    int mychoice= rock||paper||sissors;        cout<<"enter rock,paper or sissors";                cin>>mychoice;    int choice = rand(3%);    string choice = rock||paper||sissors;         if(mychoice == rock && choice == paper)    cout<<"\nyou lose";        if(mychoice == paper && choice == rock)    cout<<"\nyou win";        if(mychoice == sissors && choice == rock)    cout<<"\nyou lose";        if(mychoice == rock && choice == sissors)    cout<<"\nyou win";        if(mychoice == paper && choice == sissors)    cout<<"\nyou lose";        if(mychoice == sissors && choice ==paper)    cout<<"\nyou win";        else            cout<<"\nits a tie";    return 0;}
-----------------------------------Panic and anxiety Disorder HQ
one error?
i think there should be at least 5 errors
and some runtime problems as well

  • srand(null(3)); should be srand(time(NULL)); (sorry for my rubbish explanation :P)
  • int mychoice= rock||paper||sissors; evaluates to 1. You can change this line just to int mychoice;
  • int choice = rand(3%); This also makes no sense. You probably want int choice = rand()%3
  • What happened to the #define lines? They were correct.
  • string choice = rock||paper||sissors; Also makes no sense

The thing about string, is probably because you typo'd the #include filename. It should be string, not sring.
Quote:Original post by mike25025
this should work

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

edit: frogot to seed

Aww, I wanted to see what other amusing versions of C++ he could come up with [crying]

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