OpenGL BSP Tree Tutiral

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8 comments, last by JimmyP 23 years, 4 months ago
Does anyone know of any opengl BSP tuts.?I checked out the one on which is quite good but DirectX oriented.I''m not that intrested in the BSP compiler and renderer code itself but the code that creates the ''level'' which I could make myself,but just the idea of it bores me...(I know it sounds kinda lame but It won''t be usefull for anything else than testing the BSP compiler ) -=Jimmy=-
I have BSP code here :

Nate Miller
Thanx nate...hmmm your other projects look intresting as well.Any idea where I can find some docs on leafy BSP Trees?I''m goinf to search the net,but just in case I come up with nothing.

I don''t know of any off the top of my head, I lost all of my links a while ago. Just search Google or go here and search usenet, there is a lot of good stuff there.

Nate Miller
Try this:
This web-site has a huge tutorial on bsp trees the author also has a second part in the works. enjoy

Thanx everybody.Mrgamemakers tutorial is very good indeed but unfortunately in D3D.Anyway I now have the level loading code running(using nate''s tutorial) so I''m going to try to code the bsp compiler and renderer.

quote:Original post by JimmyP

Does anyone know of any opengl BSP tuts.?I checked out the one on which is quite good but DirectX oriented.I'm not that intrested in the BSP compiler and renderer code itself but the code that creates the 'level' which I could make myself,but just the idea of it bores me...(I know it sounds kinda lame but It won't be usefull for anything else than testing the BSP compiler )


I never really found an OpenGL-specific tutorial on BSP Trees and I had to write the entire thing myself (the OOP way :o).

The info I came across were the BSP FAQ (General BSP info), Mr-Gamemaker (Direct3D) and (General). Nate Miller simply provided code (its not a tutorial) although it was very helpful in understanding the algorithms.

If anyone does come across a tutorial which is OpenGL specific let me know. I'm hoping NeHe will do one although it may be one long tutorial!

Edited by - DaWizard on December 21, 2000 11:11:11 AM
My first BSP tree was one that I ported from Mr Gamemaker. If you can''t port his to opengl than give up and go home. just look for equivilants in opengl for the d3d stuff. Very little of it is written exclusivly for d3d(if you exclude types).


Not all who wander are lost...
InFerN0Not all who wander are lost...

I have to agree with InFerN0.. my engine is currently using the
solid node bsptree from tutorial 1 on
Im working on a new engine with a solid leaf bsptree(tutorial 2).
These tutorials are the best u can find on the subject,very easy
to understand..and the bsptree itself has nothing to do with
Direct3D.I had no problem making it work with openGL.

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