I want to pitch a brilliant idea!!!

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37 comments, last by The Bag 19 years, 6 months ago
I would like to pitch an idea that I've had that might just change the way games are played and built. How do I go about doing so?
To whom do you wish to pitch this idea?
I would like to pitch to game developers, preferably those who are located in the San Fran bay area. I know it sounds lame but the idea is just too brilliant to "just f---ing post".
Sounds like you need to research the local area and the people that you want to pitch it to. Make sure you have research to back it up as ideas are often ten-a-penny, you'll be taken that bit more seriously if you have a research portfolio to back up your idea and a presentation prepared. Other than that, I'd say to look into who's around you and call them up to set up a meeting. I'm intrigued, what is the idea? [wink]
Q. How much does it cost to come up with an Idea ?

A. Nothing !

Q. How much is an idea worth ?

A. Nothing !

I suggest you post your idea for what it's worth (Nothing)...

Don't tell me your idea though, I might of thought of it yesterday or I just might use it. GOOD LUCK.
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Mate i know how you feel, drop me a line (kooktroop @ deletethistext gmail.com )

Let me know about your idea. But realise, most ideas have already been thought of. No matter what im more than happy to help you.
Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet.Chinese Proverb
I'll wager all my money that you can't implement this idea yourself within the next 5 years?

Come to think of it, I'll wager half my money that no one could ;)

Care to tell me if I'm right?

(If I'm wrong I'll rate you up, :) )
"Learn as though you would never be able to master it,
hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it" - Confucius
Can you rate me up ? damn rating system ... too bad it wasn't more like experts-exchange .. I've been demoted :) Even frankskye has a higher rating than me , hahaha , thats funny.
-------------Become part of developing the specifications of a new language. Visit CodeBASIC.org
If its really that good you'd do far better to implement the idea yourself and then sell off your company to the highest bidder.

There are plenty of big examples of this (Such as Lucas with his Pixar division sold to Disney) and smaller ones.

Write a business plan. There is software out there to help you do it and then find private investors.

And the best piece of advice that I've seen posted from time to time. INVEST YOUR OWN MONEY!

If you aren't willing to than surely no one else will be.

Even if you got to stand in front of them and they loved the idea, it would be worth very little money to you with nothing behind it.

Better chance they would simply steal it just as quick as your afraid someone on these forums would.

I mean NO IDEA, repeat NO IDEA is that clearly brilliant that it is a sure winner. There is going to be a gamble and only those that ante up have a chance at winning the pot.
If it's really a great and original idea, then patent it. You'll be out about 350$- surely something just about anybody can foot as an important investment. Then you can charge royalties from game companies if they choose to use your idea. For it to be patentable it better be quite original though, we're talking, "you mean use a computer program for entertainment?!" - really ground breaking, mind blowing, earth shaking originality.
It generally sucks when people patent common sense things as if nobody else could have thought of them- in many cases they've even been done before, and there's a good chance you wouldn't get anything out of a law suit if it wasn't an incredibly unique idea.
Once patented, you would merely need to advertise your idea publicly and wait for a bite- if somebody snags it then you can make them pay royalties.
I can tell you though, there's not much new under the sun- chances are I've already thought of your idea. Hell, in my idle musing I've come up with stuff NASA is researching that I didn't know existed before. Ideas really are cheap- it's when they work in a cohesive and balanced system of other 'original' ideas that you begin to build something worth while.

The old adage comes to mind; put enough monkeys in a room with typewriters and eventually they'll type Shakespeare- the same is ultimately true with the cells in the human brain.

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