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10 comments, last by thedevdan 19 years, 6 months ago
I have been piddling with my first game for quite a while now.

I have been an application developer for years, and I have always believed in the existence of what I call the "throwaway point." The Throwaway Point is where you have x% of the functionality complete, then all of a sudden you gain a new understanding of what you're trying to do, throw nearly everything away, and start over. The next iteration only takes a fraction of the time to get back to that same X% of functionality.

My personal throwaway point is around 70% or so for apps. I usually only have one throwaaway point, then I can complete it from there.

Games are a WHOLE different ballgame, at least for me. My throwaway point comes rapidly, and I have several. I don't think it's a bad thing. Every time it happens, code gets cleaner (and usually smaller) and ideas get tighter and better cemented in my head.

So I guess my advice is: don't give up. Stop for a few days, rethink your design. If a library (dX) isn't doing what you want, try another one. I prefer SDL for it's ease of use. If you're the sort of person who wants a LOT of documentation, you won't find it there. I look at the docs for quick stuff like "what does this return again?"

I agree with bmarci to a point. Writing everything from the ground up means you LEARN a lot more. SDL / Allegro and the like to me are happy mediums. You don't have to dicker about with a lot of really low-level code, but they don't hold your hand either. I can't speak for Ogre, as I've enver used it.

Good luck, man, and keep hammering at it.

Thanks a lot for all of your suggestions.

From what your stories, I have decided to go with SDL first, and write wrapper classes for it. Once that is done, I'll either rewrite one for DirectX, or use OGRE. But I'll see what my needs are then. Thanks!
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