Can I use OpenGL in borland?

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10 comments, last by Nik02 19 years, 5 months ago
Owww.. Soory because this is my first time using OPENGL. I were using Borland before .. And with my Profesor Library..

But his library doesnt support networking..
And borland builder really bad with networking..

So my question now change, Can i use directx in BORland C++ builder 6?

thanks for all your reply. ..
Yes, you can. In case you decide to use d3d as well, in addition to DirectPlay, consider this (quoted from the DX SDK):

Compilers from Borland report floating-point exceptions in a manner that is incompatible with Direct3D. To solve this problem, include a _matherr exception handler like the following:

// Borland floating point initialization #include <math.h>#include <float.h>void initfp(void){    // Disable floating point exceptions    _control87(MCW_EM,MCW_EM);}int _matherr(struct _exception  *e){    e;               // Dummy reference to catch the warning    return 1;        // Error has been handled}

EDIT: Sorry for polluting the OpenGL board with DX stuff [smile]

Having said that, winsock and other networking libraries should work fine also - I don't really see a problem with Borland not supporting networking!

Niko Suni

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