How do you make my sprite shoot a bullet?

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16 comments, last by kingpinzs 19 years, 5 months ago
How can I get a sprite to appear on the screen when I press a button and then keep moving and bouncing around then press the key again and do the same thing?
How do you add sprite to back buffer and flip it to the main buffer

This is what I have
LRESULT CALLBACK TheWindowProc(HWND hwnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam){…..…..……else if (wParam==VK_SPACE)             {                              Bsprite();                          return(0);         }    …….………..}/////////////////int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,                   HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,                   LPSTR lpCmdLine,                   int nShowCmd){…..…..…..  ShowWindow(hwnd, nShowCmd);Game_Int();   Splash();//message pump  for(;;)    {…..………..}Game_Main();}//////////////////////int Game_Int(){…..…..…..g_pddbullet = DDLoadBitmap(g_pdd,"Bullit.bmp",0,0);	DDSetColorKey( g_pddbullet, RGB(0, 0, 255));……..……..}/////////////////////int  Game_Main(){  r.left = 0; = 0;	r.right = 800;	r.bottom = 600;	lpBackBuffer->BltFast(0, 0, g_pddground, &r, 	DDBLTFAST_NOCOLORKEY | DDBLTFAST_WAIT); //the bug	r.left = cl; = ct;	r.right = cr;	r.bottom = cb;	lpBackBuffer->BltFast(x, y, g_pddbug, &r, 		DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY | DDBLTFAST_WAIT);             ////////Spider movmentr.left = 0; = 0;r.right = 64;r.bottom = 64;lpBackBuffer->BltFast(sx, sy, g_pddspider, &r, 		DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY | DDBLTFAST_WAIT);r.left = 65; = 0;r.right = 128;r.bottom = 64;lpBackBuffer->BltFast(500,500,g_pddhouse,&r,         DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY | DDBLTFAST_WAIT);g_pddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT);return(1);}////////////////////////int Bsprite(){      bx =x;                   by =y;                               for( i = 0; i < 50; ++i )                {                  float  xspeed = 1;                  float  yspeed = 1;                              bx =x + xspeed;               by =y+ yspeed;           }        r.left =0;      =0;              r.right =64;              r.bottom=64;              lpBackBuffer->BltFast(bx,by,g_pddbullet, &r,                       DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY | DDBLTFAST_WAIT);                   return (1);                    }    

But it will not put the bullet to the primary surface when I hit the space bar. Why won’t it work?
What you effectively have is a particle system with:

  • Position
  • Velocity
  • Colour
  • Life (time before particle dies)

A bullet is just a special kind of particle. If you want other kinds of particles, (eg. snow, smoke, fire), consider writing a generic class and deriving from it, for each type of particle you need to implement.

Have a look on gamedev for Particle System should be one, else try google.
You really could do with getting your head around classes and objects before attempting something like this. It is far easier to understand than masses of variables, arrays and functions.
No bombs, No guns, just an army of game creators...
How do you clone an image and have it display the same image every time a key is pressed?

I would suggest learning classes and the like before you worry about how to do this. Once you understand the concept of it, and have built a bullet class (or just a bullet manager), you'll want to define an array of active bullets. Each time a certain key is pressed, you'll just 'activate' another bullet and it will take off from there. Of course, it'd be a good idea to first set the bullet position to the chars (as well as the direction), but that's a bit minor

How do you call a mouse click in the middle of a function?

Okay, you've lost me on this one. What you do is setup a function to handle mouse-clicks...each click of the mouse will cause the program to run through this particular function. You could use it for the bullets just like the key stroke listed above.
So this is what I have
struct TSprite{          int  top,left;   //Top left of section to make sprite from       int      right, bottom; //Bottom Right of sprite section	int Screenx; // were to put the sprite on the screen	int Screeny; }Sprite;//////////////////////////////////TSprite    Bullet[5];///////////////////////////////// else if (wParam==VK_SPACE)             {                screenx= x;                 screeny = y;               bullettest =1;                                                 for (int Loop = 1; Loop<(rate);Loop++)              { Bullet[Loop].Screenx = Bullet[Loop].Screenx + 50;                                    Loop = rate;                  }//////////////////////////////////////////////for ( int Loop = 1; Loop< rate;Loop++)   {             Bullet[Loop].top = 0;       Bullet[Loop].bottom =64;       Bullet[Loop].right =64;       Bullet[Loop].left =0;       Bullet[Loop].Screenx= screenx;       Bullet[Loop].Screeny= screeny;    }   /////////////////////////////////int test(){           if(screenx< 0 || screenx> mapX ) xspeed *= -1;   if(screeny < 0 || screeny > mapY ) yspeed *= -1; for (int Loop = 1; Loop < rate; Loop++){    screenx += xspeed;        screeny += yspeed;    bltsprite(Bullet[Loop]);}    }   ////////////////////////////////////////int  Game_Main(){     if (g_pddsprimary == NULL) {     		return(0);}	 //collistion();                if ( bullettest == 1)      {            backgournd();      test();      players();      foreground();      Flip();      }      else if (bullettest == 0)      {      backgournd();      players();      foreground();      Flip();      }return(1);}

This still does not work
can any one tell me why my code does not work?
can any one help?

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