A Few Considerations about Console Alternatives.

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1 comment, last by Madster 19 years, 6 months ago
I'd like to regret that I don't have all my references at hand but I will provide as many links as a can google. Motion Tracked Learning: I forget where I saw this perhaps electric playground (TV SHOW) anyway it was personal motion tracking system that compared your movements to a digital instructor - for example martial arts. a Punch would consist of your elbox arm, fist shoulder and hip being a approximate x,y,z value. -or- tiger woods swing - compared to your swing the result would be the program instructor laughing at how pathetic your Souther Eagle Claw Moutain Death Punch was and digital tiger woods compairing your swing to something you'd find at a childrens playground. And then perhaps offering some insight for improvement. But thats the interesting aspect the insight would be perfect, it would literally be you were 89% perfect doing that kick. Improve this, that and that like this. Anyway from what I remember this hardware/software is being used in Japan. ------------------------------------------------------------------- And now to my point ----------------------------------------------------------------- Do you think that the novelty of games will start to wear off to be replaced by these immersive technologies? Another application of this technology would be actually sparring using your body as the controller...(aka actually activity) but who really wants to do a double back flip spinning kick I wonder....combared to X,X,Y,Y, UP UP DOWN? But isn't that the point on the other hand, that not everyone can do a triple kick while catching flies with chopsticks so we need our controls and strong thumbs to accomplish these feats? And what about the current interphase between man and machine isn't Voice Recognition software improving all the time...will keyboards, joysticks and the like even be welcome in the not to distance future? I realize that all anyone can do is speculate, but Im just curious, as to the insight that others may bring to this topic. Thank you.
I played a shooting game in an arcade where you actualy hide behind stuff by moving yourself. Once the novelty wore off though it wasnt as good as time crisis or a normal shooting game.
Long live the controller!

cameras might make their way as controlling devices, along with microphones and headsets, but for action games the best is still something in your hand.
Might be wireless. it may struggle aganist you with calculated force (Force Feedback), it might be base-less (gyroscopes) but it will still be in your hand. and have big red clicky buttons under your index and thumb. yay.

PS: I saw a baseless wireless joystick once and passed on it... then two months after i thought it could be fun.. and they had sold the only one they had. Blech.
Working on a fully self-funded project

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