[.net] SetLevelOfDetail don't work

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2 comments, last by MikeyO 19 years, 6 months ago
Please, help-me! In my code, the SetLevelOfDetail, work only whether I load it using TextureLoader.FromFile. If I load a texture with FromBitmap, the SetLevelOfDetail don't work. Why? I'm using DirectX on c#.
Everybody seems to have trouble with FromBitmap.

Save your bitmap to a file or memory stream and load it with the methods in TextureLoader.

The textures loads normally.
Only the method SetLevelOfDetail doesn´t change the texture´s quality, like happens when loading FromBitmap.
Bitmaps only have one level of detail (I believe), if you export a DDS file with multiple levels of detail then they're all in the same file..

Maybe try looking at your texture's levelcount and levelofdetail properties, and try GenerateMipSubLevels(),

Then again, I have heard that D3d will automatically create the other levels.

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