Newbee Study Group

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46 comments, last by grim_reaper7 19 years, 5 months ago
Hey newbees out there!!! Lets learn C++ together to share thougts and ideas. This same group can grow and begin programming games as a collective. What say You!!!!!!!
Computers are worlds of Exploration?
i'll study with you.
Hit me up aim at wnxdurfinator or email me at
I love thinking :)
Many ideas in my brain. Reply here if you think you would want to get together. I know c++ java win32 and some d3d
i am really new...that would sweet...

my aim:

my msn:

where do we start?
Grim_reaper7Lamp Geekz
My aim is nlbeers, sounds like it'll be fun..
I'm with you my friend!!!

my MSN:

So let's get starting...
I'm studing in my University C++ for a year, so I'm not that newbe, but I'll absolutly like to join you guys!!


Hey, I've been around a while, but I remember being a newbie well enough. If you need any help, send me an email: There are plenty of other people who float through gamedev that would probably be more than happy to give you guys some advice, answer questions, or whatever. Just ask nice. Have fun!
Oh, my aim is nosuchmethod, if you couldn't guess.
This really helped me when I firsted learn C++. Its a easy to read C++ reference page.
Sounds like we have a group!!!
Now it is just a matter of getting organized!!!
Computers are worlds of Exploration?
You guys wanna work on a win32 pacman?

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