DX8 vs. DX9?

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2 comments, last by Slaru 19 years, 5 months ago
I had purchased a book by Andre LaMothe a while back entitled "Game Programming All In One". I had lost the data-CD that came with the book, and the only thing I really needed on that disk was the DX8 SDK. Since I can't get the DX8 SDK off of msdn anymore, i'm kind of at a loss. If I get DX9 will the header includes/functions be the same? If not can someone give me a valid link to where I can get the DX8 SDK? Thank you, ~Mezmirous
While D3D9 is a lot like D3D8, it has changed substantially in some areas. Check out the 'DirectX Graphics -> Converting to DirectX 9.0' section of the 9.0 SDK to read about the biggest differences.

Here is a site that has a lot of the old SDKs available for download. They have 5 different versions of the 8.0 and 8.1 SDK [smile].
Dustin Franklin ( circlesoft :: KBase :: Mystic GD :: ApolloNL )
Just install the lastest version of the DirectX SDK, the old DX8 headers are still here.
If you got the DX9 SDK, you can still use DX8. I would say get the DX9 sdk anyways, since you might like to try using it sometime, and you can still use DX8.

[EDIT] ^^ Beat me

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