Alternatives to heightfields in terrain representation?

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11 comments, last by Magnus Wootton 19 years, 4 months ago
Hi again,

I've tried to find some info on the parametric surface thingy but without much luck.
The only thing I found was a paper by Gamito & Musgrave which describes data handling for Landscapes with overhangs and they use parametric functions:

But I must admit that I'm lacking mathematical knowledge to fully comprehend what is said...

About the thread pointed out:
I read through it, but couldn't find any usefull info about the "high order parametric system", maybe there's another thread, but I can't find anything through the search (e.g. Google).

Another thing I found as alternative to heightmaps was the use of contour maps.
Are they any good for fractal terrain generation?

Anyway, thanks for the support!

P.S.: A quick question on the side: Is there a difference between "Fault Formation" (as described in the Game Programming Gems 1) and "Poisson Faulting" ?
AFAIK Nevrax's NeL engine (used in the MMORPG Ryzom, GPLed, check here) uses ROAMed bezier patch which supports cliffs and overhangs. From what I remember, it is not easy to implement.

the easiest thing said for you to try was just to use an arbitrary mesh to represent the level.
you have to spacially divide it probably with an octree cause its the easiest and you use that to pick triangles to edit it.
i suggest making your own terrain EDITOR which is a mission, but if you want to
get good you should give it a whirl.

boolean objects would be your greatest asset, you could make tunnels, build
new hills, destroy areas, they are really good.

i wouldnt go looking on the net for any of this shit, its all poorly explained
too difficultly. you gotta work it out for yourself. but first you gotta equip yourself with these things:

3) line-plane intersector
1) line-triangle intersector
2) triangle-triangle intersector
you gotta know what dot and cross products are, the more maths functions you
find the better. pretty much.
and that should get you going.
stop picking your nose

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