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12 comments, last by GameCheetz 19 years, 2 months ago
I'm drawing textures to the screen 1 to 1 for a 2D game. I want it to not perform ANY antialiasing whatsoever. The result is currently blurry with boxes around each sprite being drawn. Each sprite is drawn to the backbuffer using 2 triangles. Since blurring seems to be the default, how do I turn it off? Also, I tried using IDirectSuface8 instead. Since copyRects doesn't support alpha, I have to check each pixel for transparency, then send it a lot of 1x1 rectangles. This looks the way I want it, but lags horribly. Is there any way to have my cake & eat it too?
Simply disable mapmap-generation for the textures, (aka) 1 mipmap-level when loading... otherwise D3D might get a little too happy with the mipmapping.

Here's my call to the constructor for the textures:

D3DXCreateTextureFromResourceEx(m_pD3DDevice, NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(resource), width, height, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, X_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DRGBA(0,0,1,0),NULL, NULL, &loadedSprites[numSprites]);

I already have a 1 for the number of mipmap levels.
There's tucked-away DX documentation about how texels need to be mapped to pixel locations. Stuff in there about .5 offsetting due to the way pixels and texels are addressed. I don't recall the details immediately.
[sub]My spoon is too big.[/sub]
Here we go:
[sub]My spoon is too big.[/sub]
double sourceX=(tileNum%numCols)*(1.0/numCols)+(0.5/(width*numCols));
double sourceY=(tileNum/numCols)*(1.0/numRows)+(0.5/(height*numRows));

The +(0.5/(width*... is to adjust by half a pixel to deal with the pixel-texel offset thing. Without that, the sprite just displays offset, but just as blurry.

EDIT: Your link went to the main page of DirectX9's MSDN documentation. I've searched through the documentation there for information already... I assume you meant a more specific link.
Oops. My bad:

You should be offsetting your vertices' x and y by .5. Not .5 / some number. Unless I'm reading you wrong. Also, the accurate thing is to subtract .5, not add.
[sub]My spoon is too big.[/sub]
The texture goes from 0 to 1, so subtracting .5 isn't .5 pixels, it's half the width. That's why I divide it by the conversion from pixels to texture height/width... I looked at your link & it does seem to be that type of artifact, so my math must be wrong somewhere... I've more than quadruple checked it, but I'll check it again.
Considered using ID3DXSprite?

I don't know anything about it. Does it exist in DirectX 8.1?

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