network tutorials

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3 comments, last by Guimo 19 years ago
I've been looking around google for tutorials on winsock or directplay, but I cant find anything in detail. I was thinking about getting a book, but I would rather search around first, if you guys find anything please let me know, thanks.
If you insist on saying "DUH", try to make a post that makes a little more sense
Well you could try the famous Beej's Guide to Network Programming. It talks about sockets, including WinSock.
Another vote for Beej's tutorials. They're an excellent starting point and should help you get started on the basics of sockets.
I like this article, it gives an example of both client and server applications for a game using winsock2 in windows.
DXSDK has some demos about DPlay network programming. Also you can find a step by step description of the process of connecting two PCs.


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