Lens flare...

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0 comments, last by jollyjeffers 18 years, 11 months ago
hi everybody... I'm searching for a good lens flare effect, I'm going to implement it in my game using Direct3D of course, I've found some topics with some source codes, but none were totally descriptive, can any one help me? I want to have it like in GTA..., I have a huge terrain. any source codes, comments, or articles... thanks
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I wrote a lens-flare sample with D3D7 and VB6 if you're interested [smile]

If you can get your hands on the Game Programming Gems books, there was a chapter in there on making lens flares.

The most difficult thing I found with lens flares was to make sure they occluded properly - the actual rendering is relatively trivial. Occlusion needs to be solved by some sort of ray-triangle intersection test, which can be a bit tricky to implement efficiently only for this algorithm (easy if you already have the code lying around!)..

You might want to have a read of:
Lens Flare Tutorial
The Art of Modeling Lens Flares
Both of which reside on this fine website [smile]


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