Help me fix my fonts!

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3 comments, last by Fahrenheit451 18 years, 11 months ago
I am currently using outlined fonts. They come out ugly and eat cpu time. I need your help.

::SelectObject( m_Hdc, m_HFont ); // Selects The Font We Created

::wglUseFontOutlines( m_Hdc,  // Select The Current DC
                          0,  // Starting Character
               characters-1,  // Number Of Display Lists To Build
                     m_base,  // Starting Display Lists
                       0.0f,  // Deviation From The True Outlines
                       0.2f,  // Font Thickness In The Z Direction
          WGL_FONT_POLYGONS,  // Use Polygons, Not Lines
                       gmf ); // Address Of Buffer To Recieve Data
The m_HFont is created with these properties:

fp.nHeight            = -24;
fp.nWidth             = 0;
fp.nEscapement        = 0;
fp.nOrientation       = 0;
fp.fnWeight           = 0;
fp.fdwItalic          = false;
fp.fdwUnderline       = false;
fp.fdwStrikeOut       = false;
fp.fdwCharSet         = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
fp.fdwOutputPrecision = OUT_TT_PRECIS;
fp.fdwClipPrecision   = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
fp.fdwQuality         = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
fp.fdwPitchAndFamily  = FF_DONTCARE|DEFAULT_PITCH;
fp.lpszFace           = new char[ strlen("Times New Roman")+1 ];
Does anyone know away to make my fonts look better using the same outlined fonts? It has to be easily implemented bcause I have alot of work to get done.
I just posted some code that might help on the implementation side. I'm sure you can easily convert that from a bitmap font to an outline font.. or switch.

What is the best kind of font to use (eye-candy wise)?
I would think outline fonts. Check out NeHe. His tutorials deal with the main ones and his recommendation appears to be texture mapped outline fonts. To be honest with you, I haven't actually used anything other than bitmap for 2D and outline for 3D and they have been fine for me, so I can not advise you as well as I would like on other fonts and their potential to be better looking.


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