Creating a 2D MMORPG?

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17 comments, last by smr 18 years, 11 months ago
I'm interested in starting to program a mmorpg in 2d. I wondering what the best approch for this is. I am currently learning Visual Basic 6 and am doing well i think. i know it's a begginers language but thats what i am a beginner. i'm wondering if i can pull off a game that looks similer to Tibia. A simple 2d game. but nonetheless mmo. can this be done with VB6, or perhapes darkbasic? darkbasic is for 3d mostly, i'm not very familer with it. If this won't work what would you guys recommend? to see what i mean by creating a game like Tibia. check out WWW.Tibia.Com and find the screenshots section in the manual or on the forums. i'd like to just get the framework built. something that i can add on to as i go along. this is mostly for me to learn. Also if this can't be done effectivly in VS6 what language should I use? should i start with C++? i was planning to once i got VS6 down pretty well.
I don't want to put you off, but you should seriously consider doing something less ambitious first.
A MMO game is way over your abilities at the moment and while VB might be useful to create a good 2D game, it will not be a good programming language for online gaming.
Creating an MMORPG requires a lot of skill and resources (unless you find someone who offers free hosting for your game servers). You should really start trying to write a CRPG first and when you succeeded (e.g. have at least two worlds with one or two quests each and a working NPC and battle system) learn some C# and try to write a simple online multiplayer game.

Just my 0.02€,
I agree with darookie. If you're a beginner as you say you are, it's probably best you work on a single-player RPG first. Your just bound for trouble with an MMORPG.

Since you're working with visual basic right now, I'd recommend just switching to C# for more power. I don't think a switch to C++ would be necessary. It would only just postpone your work on the game.
Yeah. It would be best to focus on learning VB then move onto a better gaming language like C/C++. The idea of a 2D MMO sounds really cool though.
Thanks for the help guys. I'll be headed home in a few days from Lovely Afganistan so i'll look into getting some information on C#.

Can anyone recommend any good books?

My problem is i'm in the military and i have limited access to things. I have VB6 on my laptop and am self taught. So if you can recommend any good books for C# i would appreciate it. I pick up things really fast.

Thanks again.
VB6 can make simple games very well i believe. However from what i have heard is that .NET is a lot more easier to learn and use than VB6 and is OOP ( i have taken a class on VB .NET, but never touched VB6). Just stick to what you feel comfortable with and don't let people pressure you into a different language that you don't need.

Making a 2D MMO is a monsterous task, and you should start off by making small games and applications. Create simple games like Tic Tac Toe and then go off to do more complicated ones.
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learn C++! I did, and I'm 16, and I also started with VB6. Its not that useful, frankly. In the end, it doesn't do all that you will want it to (like 3D (AFAIK), efficient anything). Just set your sights a bit lower - I am also totally self-taught, and have been programming C++ for about 3 years, and just finished connect 4 and tetris.

Make some simple games first, and you will then figure out where to set your sights for the next project. I know that I look forward to when they will lie on whatever I want to make - not today, though. Good luck.
my siteGenius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration
frankly, i would work on a Tetris or Pong. then a Mario-clone. afterwards see if you can get the Mario-clone to have 3 extra players via LAN. if yes, then continue with idea [smile]

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


I have no personal experience with C# and looking through the Books/Beginners section here on GD I found no specific book on the subject. Anyway you can look through the list to see if anything interests you.

If anyone else has knowledge of a book on C# that they would recommend, then I suggest you send a notice to Book admin for there is an apparent lack for them.

Also, I don't want to put you off Jorvall. If you do have ideas and motivation to work on an MMO game then I think you should. It is a tremendous lot of work and most people here that are considered experienced still stay away from that one. But if you really want to make one then nothing will stop you from doing it eventually, learning as you go.

Smaller games like Pong-, Tetris-, Mario-clones, etc. are still a very good way to get the hang of basic game development concepts.

Good luck in your endeavors and stay sharp.
Hack my projects! Oh Yeah! Use an SVN client to check them out.BlockStacker
read this

its from a guy that made one. its quite a good read but the last part never seems to have been written yet. hint hint if he reads this.

.net for direct 9 is an ok book it only really deals with 2d and but it has some multi player stuff also it uses some good oop stuff.

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