device.Reset() problems

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1 comment, last by barakus 18 years, 11 months ago
I'm getting an InvalidCallException when I try to use device.Reset, and having trouble figuring out why. To test it I created a simple application that just creates a vertex buffer with 3 vertices in it. I found that if I draw the vertex buffer in my render loop using the code:


then the exception happens, but otherwise everything is fine. Does anyone know how drawing it would make a difference as to whether the device can reset?
--------------Trans2D - 2D library for C# / Managed DirectX
Are you releasing the vertex buffer before you call reset? You need to release all video memory objects, call reset, then restore them. You have to release video-device type objects, even if they are totally stored in system memory.
Alternatively, you could create all your resources in the managed pool.

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