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3 comments, last by svdeusen 18 years, 11 months ago
lol before you laugh at me. I saw that movie and was blown away. Ive always loved making small game demos by myself using free game engines. I saw down for 6 hours learning how to use 3drads engine. I also learned some cheap programming in the meantime. So after seeing the movie i came home and said wow im gona throw a starwars game together. I made three levels. One is in a desert with a few tie fighers. The next level is a first person shotter level where you have to shoot down tie bombers. Then the final scene witch im working on now is the Death Star Trench. Im a huge beginner. And i want to put a small team together one day. But i posted this in here to see what kind of comments i might get. lol i had to make this. not for anyone else just for me and a friend. lol
oh yeah in one of the pics is a torrent. This mission is to land safly. thats obviosly near the end of the mission. its pretty hard. and it took me forever to get this to blow up. into pieces. i hated the dumb animation 3drad had to offer. but then again thats what i get for being a freeware guy!
skulldrudgery--A tricky bit of toil
Oh, come on. Don't we get to try it or something? Because I built a cyborg once. I used tools and materials and this is what he looks like.

Isn't that great? kthxbye.

I'm just joshing, but it would be nice to play. Unless it's a 695MB demo.

EDIT: D'oh! I'm retarded, forgive me.
skulldrudgery--A tricky bit of toil
no its small. its about 60 megs right now. But im using a 3drad witch doesnt let you build a demo. the most i can do is scend the WHOLE engine with all the scripts and ect to people. witch im not ready to do lol. those scripts took along time. but i got a longlife friend relle interested. so were going half on the retail version and the sister engine 3impact. sry no demo yet. lol i can take more shots. were creating a better website also.

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