Help me get started. :(

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2 comments, last by Bulma 18 years, 10 months ago
This probably belongs in the beginners forum, but I guess I will see. I have been reading MSDN's documentation on Managed DirectX, and I am very interested in getting my feet wet. That is where the problem is; I don't know how to create a DirectX-able Windows Forms project! I am used to C++'s linking madness, so I don't know how to use C#'s probably easy version. The sample projects work, but I can't get the DirectX namespace to be found in my own projects. Sorry for the stupid question, but I have never worked on something that requires anything external before.
On this tutorial, it says to add references to the project, but the samples don't have them. Why?
Quote:Original post by Daniel Miller
On this tutorial, it says to add references to the project, but the samples don't have them. Why?

I've only got the October 2004 DirectX SDK release on my machine at work, but taking the tutorials and CustomUI sample in the SDK as an example, all have the references added to the solution.

Looking at the Solution Explorer, I see a "References" folder which contains the Microsoft.DirectX, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D and Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX references amongst others.

So specifying the references in the solution is a good thing to do (I'll check what the latest SDK samples do when I get home tonight - it could be that they're specifying a search path for the references in the project settings).

Simon O'Connor | Technical Director (Newcastle) Lockwood Publishing | LinkedIn | Personal site

Create normal Windows forms application with "new project" and add "Microsoft.DirectX", "Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D" and "Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX" references. That is all :)

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