Going in circles.

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2 comments, last by Wysardry 18 years, 10 months ago
How can we stop the common occurence of the player getting stuck, and walking around in circles until they find the exit, or the well-hidden NPC? (Or even resource item).
don't hide shit?

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Yep. Better map design, no tricks. Maybe some kind of waypoint marker or map radar if you don't mind taking the hit to immersion. In X2, I can never tell the stations apart, and it sucks to flay all over a sector until my close-range scanners ID the one I want. So I fire up the chart, set it as a target, and auto-pilot gets me there. That's good stuff right there.
Allow the player to attempt/complete tasks in almost any order, so that when they get stuck and/or frustrated by one they can try another for a while.

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