LiveJournal SWENG community

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2 comments, last by caseyd 18 years, 9 months ago
I, along with Zahlman, have founded a LiveJournal community dedicated to software engineering, sw_engineers. There's nothing there, yet, but it wouldn't hurt if any readers here who use LJ to join and start posting stuff. Thanks. (BTW, I hope I didn't step out of line or anything by advertising the community's need for people. If I did, many apologies!)

Chris 'coldacid' Charabaruk – Programmer, game designer, writer | twitter

Ok I have no idea on how to use that thing but I've signed up and joined nonthelss :p
HardDrop - hard link shell extension."Tread softly because you tread on my dreams" - Yeats
What, how to post to a community? There should be a dropdown on the web updater that allows you to choose what journal you are posting to.

Chris 'coldacid' Charabaruk – Programmer, game designer, writer | twitter

I just joined, just waiting to be accepted..

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