Alternate Input Library

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2 comments, last by SpreeTree 18 years, 8 months ago
Hello guys, long time no see. Anyways, I'm starting to plan out a game project and I would like to know what you guys use as an Input Library, I'm using OpenGL and OpenAL, and I was looking forward to an opensource Input Library that's just as portable, but if not then my primary target is windows. I already know DirectInput but Microsoft Interfaces are very messy, and was wondering if there was an alternative thats just as fast/faster. I already searched google with no success, usually unknown personal projects. Thanks for any help, sorry if I posted in the wrong place.
I heard or something called SDL i think it
suports input as well. I don't know the site
but i think a litle google will help you.

if (*pYou == ASSHOLE) { pYou->Die(); delete pYou; };
Like for everything else in game programming - SDL is also very good for input handling.
Here's some discussion about Drew Bentons input-engine made with SDL!
There is nothing wrong with using the basic win32 keyboard functions and Windows Procedure message queue.

I check all input in windows using GetCursorPos (which using current and previous positions gives you an amount of movement on the cursor), GetKeyboardState (for all keyboard input and mouse buttons) and use the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message in the winproc for dealing with mouse wheel movement (obviously!)

I find this handles input perfectly, without having to resort to another library.

You can then do something similar on any other platform you might want to suuport.

Hope that helps any

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