Allegro collision detection[fixed]

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0 comments, last by Edward_Sheets 18 years, 8 months ago
I've been editing the code from this page: This is my edited code:

Allegro Newbie Tutorial

/* Allegro Newbie Tutorial : Lesson 8 - Bounding Box Collision Detection
 * This tutorial will show you how to do a very simple implementation of
 * collision detection using bounding boxes. The user can move both images.
 * Controls:
 * Up/Down/Left/Right : move image 1
 * A/W/S/D : move image 2
 * SPACE: draw bounding boxes.
 * ESC: exit
 * This lesson also covers error checking when creating/loading bitmaps, 
 * drawing primitive lines, and displaying text. This is something new that 
 * was skipped in all the previous tutorials for simplicity. It is extremely 
 * good practice to do error checking for any function that allows you to do so.
 * We also learn about using the function: allegro_message.

/* The include and timer setup, and allegro initialization. This is routine stuff! */
#include <allegro.h> // Include the allegro header file.
#include <stdlib.h> // Include the stdlib header for the exit() function.
#define LEFT 3
#define RIGHT 4
#define UP 5
#define DOWN 6
#define TOPL 7
#define TOPR 8
#define BOTL 9
#define BOTR 10
#define CROSS1 11
#define CROSS2 12
#define AIR 13

/* Timer stuff */
volatile long speed_counter = 0; //A long integer which will store the value of the
								 //speed counter.
void increment_speed_counter() // A function to increment the speed counter
	speed_counter++; // This will just increment the speed counter by one.
END_OF_FUNCTION(increment_speed_counter); //Make sure you tell it that it's the end of the
										  //function (allegro specific)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	allegro_init(); // Initialize Allegro
	install_keyboard(); // Initialize keyboard routines
	install_timer(); // Initialize the timer routines
	LOCK_VARIABLE(speed_counter); //Used to set the timer - which regulates the game's
	install_int_ex(increment_speed_counter, BPS_TO_TIMER(60));//Set our BPS
	set_color_depth(16); // Set the color depth
	set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640,480,0,0); // Change our graphics mode to 640x480
	/* This bitmap is for double buffering. This is covered in a previous tutorial.
	 * However, this time, we do error checking - just to make sure the buffer was 
	 * actually created properly. This is something you'll always want to do, since 
	 * you can output an error and let the user know what didn't work!
	BITMAP *buffer = create_bitmap(640,480); // Create a buffer for smooth animation.
	/* We do a little test here to see if the bitmap was created. If the pointer is 
	 * NULL after calling create_bitmap, then that means it's not pointing to anything, 
	 * thus the create_bitmap did not work. 
	if(buffer == NULL)
		/* Here's some new stuff. This sets up allegro to go into a text only mode. 
		 * This ensures that the message you want to display will be shown on any platform.
		/* This is a new function. It's called allegro_message. Obviously enough, 
		 * it outputs a message. 
		allegro_message("Error: Could not create buffer!");
		/* This function simply will stop the program since the buffer could not 
		 * be created we do not want to continue.
	/* Here we load the two bitmap images which we want to test collision for.
	 * We test to see they were loaded correctly. If not, output an error message 
	 * and exit. This is important. If your images can't load, when you try to 
	 * blit them, your program will crash. Safely exiting is the better choice, by far!
	BITMAP *image1 = load_bitmap("image1.bmp", NULL);//Load image 1
	if(image1 == NULL)
		set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); //Set the screen mode for allegro messages
		allegro_message("Error: Could not load image1.bmp");
	BITMAP *image2 = load_bitmap("image2.bmp", NULL); //Load image 2
	if(image2 == NULL)
		set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); //Set the screen mode for allegro messages
		allegro_message("Error: Could not load image2.bmp");
	/* Next we're going to do a bit of variable declaring. First off, we're going 
	 * to want to know the x and y positions of both images.
	int image1_x_position = 0; //Set the x position of image 1 to 0.
	int image1_y_position = 0; //Set the y position of image 1 to 0.
	int image2_x_position = 0; //Set the x position of image 2 to 100.
	int image2_y_position = 416; //Set the y position of image 2 to 100.
	/* Next, we need to know where the bounding boxes are for these 
	 * images. This is going to be a little complicated:
	 * A box (2D square) has four sides, so we will need to have 4 variables. 
	 * Two y coordinates, and two x coordinates. 
	 * The two y coordinates will represent the top and bottom "sides" of the box, 
	 * while the x coordinates will represent the left and right "sides" of the box.
	 * For the purposes of this lesson, we will have the bounding box be the same 
	 * size as the image we are going to apply it to. So, lets set these variables. 
	 * We will need a total of 8. 4 for each image.
	 * Note - bb stands for bounding box
	 * Here we set the left side of the bounding box to Image 1's x position. 
	 * Why do we do this? Well, we want the bounding box to surround the image at all times, 
	 * so we have to set it to the images current position. The x position of the image just
	 * so happens to be the same x coordinate of the left side of the box.
	int image1_bb_left = image1_x_position;
	/* The same idea goes for the top "side" */
	int image1_bb_top = image1_y_position;
	/* Next we need to set the bottom and right "sides" of the box. Since we are going to
	 * use the bitmap's dimensions for the bounding boxes, this is simple. Since we don't want
	 * to have to keep track of the actual size of the image any time we change the image itself
	 * we can use a data member of the BITMAP structure to find out the width or height of 
	 * a bitmap image dynamically! We can do this using the pointer->w or pointer->h data members.
	 * We know the width of the image. That is: (image1->w)
	 * If we have the left side of the box, well, the right side is just the image width away 
	 * from the left side.
	int image1_bb_right = (image1_bb_left + image1->w);
	/* Use the same idea for the bottom. */
	int image1_bb_bottom = (image1_bb_top + image1->h);
	/* Now, we will create the box for image 2 using the same principles. */
	int image2_bb_left = image2_x_position;
	int image2_bb_top = image2_y_position;
	int image2_bb_right = (image2_bb_left + image2->w);
	int image2_bb_bottom = (image2_bb_top + image2->h);
	/* This is just a variable to hold the value of whether we want to show the bounding boxes 
	 * or not. We'll see more about it later.
	 * When setting the initial value of this variable we will use an Allegro constant FALSE.
	 * There is also the constant TRUE. FALSE and TRUE are useful for doing variable testing,
	 * as they take away the ambiguity of doing something like 
	 * if(variable == 0)
	int show_bbox = FALSE;
	/* This is just a variable to hold the value of whether there is a collision taking 
	 * place or not. We'll see more about it later. 
	int collision = FALSE;
	/* Okay, now that we've set up all our variables, we need to make our loop. You've 
	 * seen this before; it should be familiar.
	while(!key[KEY_ESC]) // Keep going until we hit escape.
		while(speed_counter > 0) // Do the logic loop while the speed counter is > 0.
			/* Things get a little tricky in here. We want to be able to move both images. 
			 * The controls are described at the beginning of this lesson. Lets make some 
			 * statements to take care of moving the images.
			 * Notice how each test is a standalone "if" statement? This will allow for 
			 * diagonal movement without explicitly coding it in.

			/* Key checks for image1 */
			if((key[KEY_LEFT] && collision==FALSE) || (key[KEY_LEFT] && (collision==LEFT || collision==UP || collision==DOWN || collision==TOPL || collision==TOPR)))
				image1_x_position --; //Move image 1 left.
			if(key[KEY_RIGHT] && collision==FALSE || (key[KEY_RIGHT] && (collision==UP || collision==DOWN || collision==LEFT || collision==TOPL || collision==TOPR)))
				image1_x_position ++; //Move image 1 right.
			if((key[KEY_DOWN] && (collision==DOWN || collision==RIGHT || collision==LEFT)))
				image1_y_position ++; //Move image 1 down.

			if((key[KEY_UP] && (collision==UP || collision==LEFT || collision==RIGHT || collision==TOPL || collision==TOPR)))
				image1_y_position --; //Move image 1 up.
            if(collision!=UP || collision!=DOWN || collision!=LEFT || collision!=RIGHT || collision!=TOPL || collision!=TOPR || collision!=BOTL || collision!=BOTR)
             image1_y_position ++;

			/* Here's where we use show_bbox. 
             * If the space key is held down, it will show. Otherwise, it wont. 
			 * This only works when the space key is held down.
				show_bbox = TRUE;
			else if(!key[KEY_SPACE])
				show_bbox = FALSE;

			/* Things get a little tricky here. Since the player can move the images, 
			 * we need to update the locations of the bounding boxes. Lets do it just
			 * like we did when we initialized them, using the same ideas and principles

			/* Update image 1's bounding box */
			image1_bb_left = image1_x_position;
			image1_bb_top = image1_y_position;
			image1_bb_right = (image1_bb_left + image1->w);
			image1_bb_bottom = (image1_bb_top + image1->h);

			/* Update image 2's bounding box. */
			image2_bb_left = image2_x_position;
			image2_bb_top = image2_y_position;
			image2_bb_right = (image2_bb_left + image2->w);
			image2_bb_bottom = (image2_bb_top + image2->h);

			/* Alright, so now we finally get to actually detecting collisions. 
			 * This could easily be written to it's own function, but I will flesh 
			 * it out in the logical loop for sake of keeping everything together.
			 * The way we check for collisions is simple. First, we assume there is no collision.
			 * Then we check to see if any corners of the first bounding box are inside or on the
			 * boundary of the second box. Next, we do the same for the second box: check to make
			 * sure none of its corners are inside or on the boundary of the first box. Then we 
			 * must take into account a special case where we have a "cross" pattern, where no
			 * corners are within another box, but there is still a collision.
			collision = FALSE; // Assume that there is no collision

			/* Notice the next chunk of if/else if statements. This chunk is
			 * for checking box 1 against box 2

			/* Test the top left corner of the first box to the second
			 * (Is the corner in or on the second box?)
			   ((image1_bb_left == image2_bb_right) && (image1_bb_top == image2_bb_bottom) )
				collision = LEFT;

			/* Test the top right corner of the first box to the second
			 * (Is the corner in or on the second box?)
					((image1_bb_right == image2_bb_left) && (image1_bb_top == image2_bb_bottom))
				collision = RIGHT;
			/* Test the bottom left corner of the first box to the second
			 * (Is the corner in or on the second box?)
					(image1_bb_top == image2_bb_bottom)
				collision = DOWN;

			/* Test the bottom right corner of the first box to the second
			 * (Is the corner in or on the second box?)
					(image1_bb_bottom == image2_bb_top)
				collision = UP;

			/* Now check to see if any corners of box two are inside or on the boundary 
			 * of box 1. This is good for cases where box 2 is much smaller than box 1

			/* Test the top left corner of the second box to the first box
			 * (Is the corner in or on the first box?)
			   (image2_bb_left >= image1_bb_left) && (image2_bb_top >= image1_bb_top) &&
			   (image2_bb_left <= image1_bb_right) && (image2_bb_top <= image1_bb_bottom)
				collision = TOPL;

			/* Test the top right corner of the second box to the first box
			 * (Is the corner in or on the second box?)
			else if(
					(image2_bb_right <= image1_bb_right) && (image2_bb_right >= image1_bb_left) &&
					(image2_bb_top >= image1_bb_top) && (image2_bb_top <= image1_bb_bottom)
				collision = TOPR;

			/* Test the bottom left corner of the second box to the first box
			 * (Is the corner in or on the second box?)
			else if(
					(image2_bb_right <= image1_bb_right) && (image2_bb_right >= image1_bb_left) &&
					(image2_bb_bottom <= image1_bb_bottom) && (image2_bb_bottom >= image1_bb_top)
				collision = BOTL;

			/* Test the bottom right corner of the second box to the first box
			 * (Is the corner in or on the second box?)
			else if(
					(image2_bb_right <= image1_bb_right) && (image2_bb_right >= image1_bb_left) &&
					(image2_bb_bottom <= image1_bb_bottom) && (image2_bb_bottom >= image1_bb_top)
				collision = BOTR;

			/* Now we must test for the cross pattern. */

			/* Check box 1 for a horizontal cross on box 2
			 * (This covers a vertical cross for box 2 on box 1)
			   (image1_bb_top > image2_bb_top) && (image1_bb_bottom < image2_bb_bottom) &&
			   (image2_bb_left > image1_bb_left) && (image2_bb_right < image1_bb_right)
				collision = CROSS1;

			/* Check box 2 for a horizontal cross on box 1
			 * (This covers veritcal cross for box 1 on box 2)
			   (image2_bb_top > image1_bb_top) && (image2_bb_bottom < image1_bb_bottom) &&
			   (image1_bb_left > image2_bb_left) && (image1_bb_right < image2_bb_right)
				collision = CROSS2;
			/* And we're done! */

			speed_counter --; // Decrement the speed counter.
		} // This is the closing bracket to the (speed_counter > 0) test.

		/* Time for the drawing stuff! */
		draw_sprite(buffer, image1, image1_x_position, image1_y_position); //Draw image1
		draw_sprite(buffer, image2, image2_x_position, image2_y_position); //Draw image2

		/* Here we do the drawing of the bounding box if the player is hitting space. */
		if(show_bbox == TRUE)
			/* This uses the simple line drawing function of allegro.
			 * It should be quite self explanitory.
			 * line(BITMAP *bmp, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);
			 * How we draw the box is quite simple. We draw four lines:
			 * A line from the left coordinate to the right coordinate with it's y 
			 * coordinate corrosponding to the top y coordinate.
			 * Another line with the same idea, except using the bottom y coordinate.
			 * A line from the top coordinate to the bottom coordinate with it's x 
			 * coordinate corrosponding to the left x coordinate.
			 * Another line with the same idea, except using the right x coordinate.
			/* Draw image1's bounding box. */
			line(buffer, image1_bb_left, image1_bb_top, image1_bb_right, image1_bb_top, makecol(255,0,0));
			line(buffer, image1_bb_left, image1_bb_bottom, image1_bb_right, image1_bb_bottom, makecol(255,0,0));
			line(buffer, image1_bb_left, image1_bb_top, image1_bb_left, image1_bb_bottom, makecol(255,0,0));
			line(buffer, image1_bb_right, image1_bb_top, image1_bb_right, image1_bb_bottom, makecol(255,0,0));

			/* Draw image2's bounding box. */
			line(buffer, image2_bb_left, image2_bb_top, image2_bb_right, image2_bb_top, makecol(255,0,0));
			line(buffer, image2_bb_left, image2_bb_bottom, image2_bb_right, image2_bb_bottom, makecol(255,0,0));
			line(buffer, image2_bb_left, image2_bb_top, image2_bb_left, image2_bb_bottom, makecol(255,0,0));
			line(buffer, image2_bb_right, image2_bb_top, image2_bb_right, image2_bb_bottom, makecol(255,0,0));
		}	/* Just the closing bracket... */

		/* Now, if there's a collision, we want to state it! */
		if(collision == TRUE)
			/* This is the allegro text printing function. It prints text to the screen. 
			 * It's pretty self explanitory
			 * textprintf_ex(bitmap, font, x_pos, y_pos, color, transparency, "string", formatting stuff); It works just like C style printf.
			textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 0,0, makecol(255,255,255), -1, "Collision!");

		/* Do the normal blitting of the buffer. */
		blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480);//Blit the buffer
		clear(buffer);//Clear the buffer
		release_screen();//Release the screen
	/* Destroy bitmaps and quit. */
	return 0;

The horizontal collision works fine when I move up against the block manually, but when I try to get the code to force the image down into the block when the image is airborne, the image just moves right through the block. Any idea how I can fix this? Also, are there any free tutorials that will help me with collision detection in general? [Edited by - Vegetable411 on August 11, 2005 3:12:10 PM]
Here's a pretty good article on collision detection for 2D games. That should get you started.

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