Grass Billboard Texture?

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2 comments, last by Mushu 18 years, 9 months ago
I've been looking for a texture to use for billboarded grass bladese (or for that matter, any small-sized vegetation), but I can't seem to find one annnyywhheerre!! Its insane! Because I know they're out there somewhere. Anyone know of any? or anywhere which might have them?
Check this out:Teh Clikzors

It has this grass in PNG + Alpha and a bunch of other trees/plants.

η β π
that's pretty neat. Unlike some of the stuff on that page.
Anyway, if you're looking for something not-so-photorealistic, we have few images in limefly.
like this
--- - [free textures & more]
Thanks guys! Those textures are excellent, especially those on limefly. I'll have to drop by again to see what else I can steal [wink]

So much to do, so little time! :D

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