Looking for some advice...

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5 comments, last by Warhorseii 18 years, 8 months ago
Hey folks, Just looking for some advice on which programming language would be best to use for an app i am working on. (C++ or Java) I am more proficient at C++ but I have little experience with gui apps. Basically, I know the basics of c++ ( everything u learn with your basic CS degree, and I have only had 1 class in Java with no other exposure to it. The basics of the app is as follows... There will be a handful of GUI controls (sliders, textboxes etc etc.) In terms of graphics it will be simple.... just the basics. The app will need to read a log file, perform certain calculations then automate certain button presses and mouse clicks. Thanks in advance, -- Warhorseii
Do you want the app to be for more than one OS? If so you should choose java, but be aware that you could still run into complications. Personally I'd choose C++, because it is faster. Unless you want this to be a learning experience (it will be either way), C++ is the way to go.

Unless you want to choose java so you can plow through and learn along the way, C++ is the better choice. If you know more in C++ then you won't run into as many problems either.

Just my two cents :)
The question is, what will you use for guis with C++? Qt is a popular one, although I've never used it. I use C# for anything that requires a GUI. You may want to consider using that. If you know Java, the learning curve is minimal.
C++ has a lot of good GUI libraries that are easy to use.
My favorite is FLTK, but fox is good, too.

Click on my journal if you want to see an app I made with FLTK.
gtkmm, too. It's a C++ GTK+ wrapper. It's probably a bit more suitable for Linux, but it can be used on Windows nonetheless.

Swing in java can make some good gui stuff. You would probably have to have the java api handy though. VB.net could be another option if your app is going to be only a couple quick applications. Otherwise, if you want to use c++ I would say use something like Qt.
Thanks for the feedback folks... I'm gonna check out the GUI libraries for C and see what I can come up with

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