Direct3D Presentations from the PDC 2005 Conference

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3 comments, last by paulble 18 years, 7 months ago
I just posted this in my journal, but after doing that I thought it might well be of interest to the wider community (a.k.a. you guys)... It seems that a lot of presentations (not sure if it's all of them) from the recent "Professional Developer Conference 2005" (PDC05) have been posted here. Have a look through the list - there's quite a lot of information in there, if you can be bothered to find it.. Be warned that the page seems to auto-refresh every minute or so, which resets the scrolling position in my browser. A bit annoying as it's a pain to scroll back down to where you were... [rolleyes] Anyway. The following two presentations will be of interest to people here:
  1. PRS311 Direct 3D Part 1: Utilizing the Maximum Power of the GPU in Your Graphic-Intensive Windows Vista ("Longhorn") Application
  2. PRS416 Direct 3D (Part 2): Deep Dive into Building Real Time Graphics Applications Using Direct 3D
I've not read part-1 yet, but part-2 had a fair few bits and pieces regarding the new features of Direct3D 10 and the changes to the graphics pipeline. Enjoy! Jack

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Jack Hoxley <small>[</small><small> Forum FAQ | Revised FAQ | MVP Profile | Developer Journal ]</small>

Sweet, hopefully this clears up a lot of questions that people have been confused about. I'm reading the 2nd one right now, and it seems pretty good. I do have a pretty bad habit of downloading all the conference presentations and never reading them, so I'm off to a good start this time [smile]
Dustin Franklin ( circlesoft :: KBase :: Mystic GD :: ApolloNL )
That looks pretty good. I'm still not sure what the shared handle is for exactly, what does it mean that you can "re-open" a resource using the shared handle?

Edit: Omgomgomg, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT surfaces are never lost! Yay!
Quote:Original post by Evil Steve
Edit: Omgomgomg, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT surfaces are never lost! Yay!

I second that. Although, considering how I am setting things up right now, it probably wouldn't make much of a difference...

Quote:Original post by Evil Steve
That looks pretty good. I'm still not sure what the shared handle is for exactly, what does it mean that you can "re-open" a resource using the shared handle?

Edit: Omgomgomg, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT surfaces are never lost! Yay!

Shared resources are useful for sharing textures, vbs, etc.. across process boundaries. Not a common scenario for most games but extremely useful if you have (say) a desktop compositing engine that wants to share a texture (backbuffer) with another process' windows canvas. There are other interesting uses for this but they are generally related to producer/consumer roles for data.


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