Game Programming in C++: Start to Finish

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18 comments, last by TheOther 18 years, 8 months ago
New book, wondering if anyone has reviewed it... sounds alright since it uses SDL and OpenGL... and you create an astroids clone ;) Just wondering ...
Advertisement has it listed as coming out in November 2005, so unless someone has an advance copy you probably won't find a review for a bit.

It may be good, but with a listed 400 pages and this description: "Beginning with engine creation and 3D programming with SDL and OpenGL, the book then moves to animation effects, audio, collision detection, networking, and finalizing the game." - I have my doubts as each of those topics have books longer than 400 pages devoted to them.

It might still be useful for someone starting out in C++ and 3D, we'll see...
I have tought my self completely on books and Im doing perty well after 3years of reading Im creating a professional game engine based on directx9(which has now advanced passed opengl unless you want mutliplatform). Ill be glad to give my input on what books might help you get started. What kinda of programing you plan on doing? RPG? FPS? MMO?
RPG mainly, i ordered beginning C++ game programming, and plan on reading LaFores OOP in C++, then off to learing either OpenGL or Direct3D...

Is there a DX book that explains the basics in a way that I'll be able to read programming RPG with DX?
Yes/No/Maybe ???

I just don't want to jump into PRPGWDX and get frustrated again :\
Quote:Original post by Will F has it listed as coming out in November 2005, so unless someone has an advance copy you probably won't find a review for a bit.

It may be good, but with a listed 400 pages and this description: "Beginning with engine creation and 3D programming with SDL and OpenGL, the book then moves to animation effects, audio, collision detection, networking, and finalizing the game." - I have my doubts as each of those topics have books longer than 400 pages devoted to them.

It might still be useful for someone starting out in C++ and 3D, we'll see...

Me the author responding. :)

Yes of course there's longer material out there. That doesn't automatically mean it's "better" or "worse". *shrug*

The book is meant to target more the beginner game programmer type of audience. I've found that on some of the books on my shelf, beginners are subjected to extreme overloads of information that doesn't help at start of the journey.

I'm taking the approach of trying to touch on some of the common elements of game programming/design but without going into *so* much detail that your eyes glaze over.

Quote:Original post by TheOther
Yes of course there's longer material out there. That doesn't automatically mean it's "better" or "worse". *shrug*

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that a shorter book is worse. It's just that the track record for "all in one" game programming books isn't all that great - and I was a bit worried that with the words Start to Finish in the title that this might be the goal of your book. Guess i'm a bit jaded.

Quote:The book is meant to target more the beginner game programmer type of audience. I've found that on some of the books on my shelf, beginners are subjected to extreme overloads of information that doesn't help at start of the journey.

It's always good to see books like this coming out - getting started in game development can be a rather overwhelming task.

anyways, good luck, and I hope it sells well
Quote:Original post by Will F
Quote:Original post by TheOther
Yes of course there's longer material out there. That doesn't automatically mean it's "better" or "worse". *shrug*

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that a shorter book is worse. It's just that the track record for "all in one" game programming books isn't all that great - and I was a bit worried that with the words Start to Finish in the title that this might be the goal of your book. Guess i'm a bit jaded.

Oh no don't misunderstand me. That's how I took your statement. I understand believe me. I grew up in the trenches, so I know of what you speak of. ;)

Quote:Original post by Will F
Quote:The book is meant to target more the beginner game programmer type of audience. I've found that on some of the books on my shelf, beginners are subjected to extreme overloads of information that doesn't help at start of the journey.

It's always good to see books like this coming out - getting started in game development can be a rather overwhelming task.

anyways, good luck, and I hope it sells well

Thanks a lot Will, and you're right. I've been doing this stuff for so long, that I wanted to try and find a way to give back to the beginners out there. Just like everything else, there's a lot of fun to be had; once you sidestep the mines and claymores..

Ok thanks... I'll pick up your book when it's released... what kind of programming experience would you recommend before reading Game Programming in C++: Start to Finish?
Quote:Original post by TommySauder
Ok thanks... I'll pick up your book when it's released... what kind of programming experience would you recommend before reading Game Programming in C++: Start to Finish?

Thanks TommySauder.

I would recommend at least a working knowledge of C++. Since it's aimed at beginner's I'm not trying to do any C++ "fancy footwork". About as far as I go is basic object derivation.

ie. class BaseObject {};

class ObjA : public BaseObject {};

That's really about it along with some virtual methods.

Hope that answers your question. Feel free to contact me if you have anymore questions TS (or anyone else).


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