Calculating Vertex-Normals [Solved]

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40 comments, last by fredrik90 18 years, 5 months ago
Allright, to sum up this big thread:

I have been able to get everything to work, after a lot of PM between me and haegarr (big thank you for that!).

Here are some screenshots:

Red ambient mixed with white diffuse light...

Red ambient light only...

White diffuse light only...

And this is how I compute the normals:

void cterrain::load_normals ( void ){	trn = new cdata[MAP_SIZE * MAP_SIZE * 3];	normals = new cdata[MAP_SIZE * MAP_SIZE * 3];	for ( int x = 0; x < MAP_SIZE ; x++ )	// loop through horizontal data	{		for ( int z = 0; z < MAP_SIZE; z++ )		// loop through vertical data		{			// get vertex data			trn[x + ( z * MAP_SIZE )].x = ( float ) x;			trn[x + ( z * MAP_SIZE )].y = ( float ) get_height ( x, z );			trn[x + ( z * MAP_SIZE )].z = ( float ) z;		}	}	float DELTA = STEP_SIZE;	// to be scaled if the unit length between 2 neighboured vertices should differ from 1   	for ( x = 0; x < MAP_SIZE - STEP_SIZE; x += STEP_SIZE )	{		for ( int z = 0; z < MAP_SIZE - STEP_SIZE; z += STEP_SIZE )		{			// preparations			int base = z * MAP_SIZE + x;			// involved vertices			const cdata& v0 = trn[base]; // upper left vertex of quad			const cdata& v1 = trn[base + STEP_SIZE]; // upper right vertex of quad			const cdata& v2 = trn[base + MAP_SIZE * STEP_SIZE]; // lower left vertex of quad			const cdata& v3 = trn[base + MAP_SIZE * STEP_SIZE + STEP_SIZE]; // lower right vertex of quad         			// edges of the quad			cdata e01 ( // edge from v0 to v1            DELTA, // v1.x - v0.x;            v1.y - v0.y,            0.0f ); // v1.z - v0.z;						cdata e02 ( // edge from v0 to v2            0.0f, // v2.x - v0.x;            v2.y - v0.y,            DELTA ); // v2.z - v0.z;			cdata e31 ( // edge from v3 to v1            0.0f, // v1.x - v3.x;            v1.y - v3.y,            -DELTA ); // v1.z - v3.z;			cdata e32 ( // edge from v3 to v2            -DELTA, // v2.x - v3.x;            v2.y - v3.y,            0.0f ); // v2.z - v3.z;						// the both normals			cdata n012 = e02.cross ( e01 ); // normal of tris of vertices v0, v1, v2			cdata n213 = e31.cross ( e32 ); // normal of tris of vertices v2, v1, v3			n012.normalize ( );			n213.normalize ( );			// accumulate normals ...			cdata& n0 = normals[base]; // at upper left vertex of quad			cdata& n1 = normals[base + STEP_SIZE]; // at upper right vertex of quad			cdata& n2 = normals[base + MAP_SIZE * STEP_SIZE]; // at lower left vertex of quad			cdata& n3 = normals[base + MAP_SIZE * STEP_SIZE + STEP_SIZE]; // at lower right vertex of quad         			// ... of tri 012			n0 += n012;			n1 += n012;			n2 += n012;			n0 += n012; // double to consider 90 degree angle of adjacent face						// ... of tri 213			n2 += n213;			n3 += n213;			n1 += n213;			n3 += n213; // double to consider 90 degree angle of adjacent face		}		for ( int x = 0; x < MAP_SIZE - STEP_SIZE; x += STEP_SIZE )		{			for ( int z = 0; z < MAP_SIZE - STEP_SIZE; z += STEP_SIZE )			{				normals[z * MAP_SIZE + x].normalize ( );			}		}	}}

Next thing to worry about is textures...


sorry to bump this old treadh. But can you please upload the files
somewhere? If you don`t want it to be public you can just send
it in a PM. I`m working on a smal terrain demo myself.

Fredrik ;)
Flight-Real leader

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