trouble getting anything in window mac os x

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2 comments, last by 18 years, 5 months ago
Hello, I am really new to gaming and opengl. I am doing the lessons from NeHe/GameDev and everytime I run any of the programs I get a white screen entitled "window". I am running them on mac os x (cocoa) So I guess it is running properly but maybe there is something that I have left out. I downloaded the code so it seems that it should work. Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks, Jackie
what os? 10.3?
hi eitsch,
it is mac os x 10.3.9
If you're just starting out, the NeHe tutorials aren't the best. They cover the basic graphics information, but are outdated for the mac os x specific stuff.

This site is cocoa specific and (slightly) more up to date:

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