Torque Engine Questions

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13 comments, last by GDKnight 18 years, 4 months ago
I've been looking into the Torque Game Engine, but I've a few questons. 1. Do you have to program in the TorqueScript thingo' to use the Torque Game Engine? Because I would much prefer programming in C++ in the Visual Studio .Net Environment (Considering I bought Professional ... ) 2. Does this remove all the fun of game programming? Because I like making games, but 9/10 of the fun of it is the programming! 3. Has anyone had any problems with it? Reached any dissapointing limitations or something? Any reviews on it would be greatly appreciated.
If it's possible for us to conceive it, than it must be possible.
1). If you use TGE stock then yes you will have to use the scripting eventually.

2). You get the complete C++/ASM source code to TGE and are free to modify it as you wish.

3). I have heard of numerous problems, mostly with terrain. But I have also heard many good things about what people have done with it.
Young Doc: No wonder this circuit failed. It says "Made in Japan".Marty McFly: What do you mean, Doc? All the best stuff is made in Japan.Young Doc: Unbelievable.
Use Ogre, why not Ogre? It is the greatest and you have to use C++ , what else do you want ? FREE!
OpenGl + C++
Quote:Original post by Zmurf
1. Do you have to program in the TorqueScript thingo' to use the Torque Game Engine? Because I would much prefer programming in C++ in the Visual Studio .Net Environment (Considering I bought Professional ... )

You can program on Torque script exclusivelly, but you dont have to, if you make changes to the C++ source, you will likelly also need to expose the functionality to scripting, but you get all the liberty you can ask for.

Quote:Original post by Zmurf
2. Does this remove all the fun of game programming? Because I like making games, but 9/10 of the fun of it is the programming!

Well, the few times I tried to get into the code I got frustrated because no matter from which point you see it, its someone elses code, nothing frustrates me more than having to learn and understand pre-existing code, I am sure once you understand the structure and how everything is laid out, it gets to actually be fun, but until then, its mostly masochism, this is probably true for all engines though.

Quote:Original post by Zmurf
3. Has anyone had any problems with it? Reached any dissapointing limitations or something?

My grief with it right now is the poor support Linux and MinGW are getting, it's been MONTHS since you can confidently grab a copy of the source HEAD and compile it right away, you have to manually patch simple stuff like remove references to obsolete files on makefiles and so on, this falling behind started a while after the TSE was announced.
My question is, can I use C++ instead of the torque scripting language? It must be possible since the whole engine is written in C++ right?
If it's possible for us to conceive it, than it must be possible.
Quote:Original post by bargasteh
Use Ogre, why not Ogre? It is the greatest

Quote:Original post by Zmurf
My question is, can I use C++ instead of the torque scripting language? It must be possible since the whole engine is written in C++ right?

There's a lot of functionality built in to the scripting language. The startup process is all handled in script, for example. Rewiring the engine so that you don't have to touch any scripts at all is possible (since you get the source, anything is possible), but it's so much work that it's just not worth it. So while you will (and really should) find yourself dropping into script for some things, you can code most of the game in C++ if you want. Nothing's stopping you from doing it.

The key point is, you get the complete source to the engine, and you can modify it to do absolutely anything you want. TorqueScript is a tool to make the development process easier. If you define and instantiate your game objects in script, it's much easier to test and debug since you don't need to recompile the game every time you make a change. Ditto the game logic. But you don't have to do anything. The trick is learning the codebase well enough to make it do what you want.
I have been using Torque for the last couple years, it is great. However it can take a long time to get comfitable with.

You do not have to use script, although it has it's purposes. Scripting can reduce game development time and be really usefull. Allot of game engines use some sort of script engine.

If you have any more specific questions about Torque, please ask.
Quote:Original post by bargasteh
why not Ogre?

Because its a rendering engine and not a game engine.
Thanks, this helps alot, I think I will buy Torque.

I've looked at some of the demos, they look really good, but I can only imagine the cde behind them, even with the engine!
If it's possible for us to conceive it, than it must be possible.

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