does anyone know how to get the dx9.0c max7 exporter working?

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1 comment, last by guyaton 18 years, 5 months ago
When I try to use the Max7 exporter (yes on max7) whenever I load up max, it crashses. i tried changing the .gup file to .dle and .dll (.dll it works, but does not appear on the export list). Has any one else had this problem? ~guyaton
The 3ds Max exporter has long had problems such as these. It has been eclipsed for a while now by the Panda DirectX Exporter. Panda always stays updated, and has many features that the DXSDK exporter doesn't. I highly recommend it.
Dustin Franklin ( circlesoft :: KBase :: Mystic GD :: ApolloNL )
The MS version has source though, so I can get an Idea of how to create my own. If I can get it up and running. I looked through the Panda site and tried it, but eventually I will need mroe then what it is offering.


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