[MDX] Normal mapping clouds, generating a normal map on GPU [SOLVED, shader inside!]

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9 comments, last by remigius 18 years, 4 months ago
I already noticed :) Also, I had to normalize the normal before applying the coefficient, otherwise the effect of the coefficient is lost. But still... thanks a ton! 950 FPS with realtime octave composition and normal map generation!!!

Oh, and sorry for being such a subborn ass, the scaling coefficient did help when I finally set it to 0.02... Quite an extreme value, that the D3DX method seems to use by default, but hey, it works!

Here's the complete shader, should anyone need it:

[source lang-hlsl]float HeightMapSize;  texture HeightMap;sampler HeightMapSampler = sampler_state{    Texture = <HeightMap>;    MinFilter = Linear;    MagFilter = Linear;    AddressU = Clamp;    AddressV = Clamp;};//application to vertex structurestruct a2v{     float4 position   : POSITION0;    float2 tex0       : TEXCOORD0;}; //vertex to pixel shader structurestruct v2p{        float4 position   : POSITION0;    float2 tex0        : TEXCOORD0;}; //pixel shader to screenstruct p2f{    float4 color    : COLOR0;};float packNormal(float normal){	return (normal + 1) / 2;}void ps( in v2p IN,  out p2f OUT){		float dU = 1 / HeightMapSize;	float s0 = tex2D(HeightMapSampler, IN.tex0).r;		       		float s1 = tex2D(HeightMapSampler, float2(IN.tex0.x - dU, IN.tex0.y)).r;		       		float s2 = tex2D(HeightMapSampler, float2(IN.tex0.x, IN.tex0.y - dU)).r;		       		float s3 = tex2D(HeightMapSampler, float2(IN.tex0.x + dU, IN.tex0.y)).r;		       		float s4 = tex2D(HeightMapSampler, float2(IN.tex0.x, IN.tex0.y + dU)).r;			       	/*	// conventional way	float3 v1 = normalize(float3( -dU, 0, s1 - s0));	float3 v2 = normalize(float3( 0, -dU, s2 - s0));	float3 v3 = normalize(float3( dU, 0, s3 - s0));	float3 v4 = normalize(float3( 0, dU, s4 - s0));		float3 n1 = normalize(cross( v1, v2 ));		float3 n2 = normalize(cross( v2, v3 ));	float3 n3 = normalize(cross( v3, v4 ));	float3 n4 = normalize(cross( v4, v1 ));		float3 n = normalize(n1 + n2 + n3) / 25;*/          float coef = 0.02;	float2 n = normalize( float2( (s1 - s3), (s2 - s4))) * coef;	OUT.color = float4( packNormal(n.x), packNormal(n.y), packNormal(1), 0);			};         void vs( in a2v IN, out v2p OUT ){           OUT.position = IN.position;    OUT.tex0 = IN.tex0;	}     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Techniques//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------technique NormalMapComputation{    pass P0    {                   AlphaBlendEnable = false;        SrcBlend = SRCALPHA;        DestBlend = INVSRCALPHA;                VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vs();                   PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 ps();        }}
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