[java] Compilers, It's sick!

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69 comments, last by King of Men 18 years, 4 months ago
Quote:Original post by Abibbi
I have installed Eclipse, and how do I compile my project?

The first time, do Run->Run->select "java application"->New->Run

After that you can just do run->run last launched

And to those suggesting J# as "Java", quit it. Too many people use(d) J++/J# and assume it's an accurate representation of Java, when in fact it's a poor substitute at best. J# is only for porting old Java apps to .NET. IMHO, no one should use it for new projects. Use real Java or C#.
Thanks etothex!
But It's a problem I can't click at run, it's just grey. Thanks anyway!
How should I do?
Quote:Original post by LuckyOne
... (propably these exes are decompilable too)

Extremely decompilable.
I program in my sleep,but when I sleep I use the partition in my head that doesnt have g++ or the .net library, so im kinda screwed.
please write which compiller you use
which compiler is most usual?
which compler do you use?
please answere!!!

Read properly.
I've been using Eclipse for the past few days now, and I must say, this is a definite improvement over using the javac command to compile my code. I still find some things a bit annoying about Eclipse's interface though. Most importantly, the debugger: I can't seem to use that thing properly yet. Oh well, I'll get used to it eventually I guess.
Quote:Original post by Abibbi
which compiler is most usual?
which compler do you use?
please answere!!!

Please, switch from whatever language you have come from to Java. We don't use a "compiler" we use a JDK which comes with a compiler and a bunch of other tools and the standard API, etc.

So download Sun's JDK and you'll be fine.
And how do I get the sun's JDK?

If you could read you should review that page I talked about, and look at all links and also at java.sun.com. If you will not do it, you can't be helped.

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