Online Shopping

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-1 comments, last by datxcod 18 years, 5 months ago
Hello I got a little problem when buying computer hardware. I have some money (> 500) in my paypal account, but the account is unverified and I don't live in USA. I can't become verified because I don't have credit card. I tried using but they told me that they know if you are ordering from outside USA (IP I think) and they'll void the order if I buy something. That means they only sell to people in USA. I don't live in USA however I do want to ship the hardware inside USA (family). So I don't care if they don't ship internationally. So I want to know if you know about online stores that accept payments from an unverified paypal account (I can fax/email my id,personal info,anything). PS: I want to buy computer hardware. Opinions,recommendations ? Regards

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