I would like to make a game like "breakout"

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15 comments, last by guillermoro 18 years, 3 months ago
Huh? Gorillas was included with DOS.

Baker, I don't think I can help you directly, but maybe we can share some tips/tricks. I'm in about the same stage you are in relearning some of my old skills, and I just so happen to be attempting a breakout clone, but in C++ using DirectX. I've come up with some designs, so maybe we can share.

Send me a PM if interested.
yea, I bought a dummies book which taught me to re-create the gorilla game.

you know what, we can program the backend in c++, and use java for the display so it can be viewed over the web.

sharing designs would be a great idea. im going to throw up a quick website and put together a forum so we can all add our inputs.


Quote:Original post by spoulson
Huh? Gorillas was included with DOS.

Baker, I don't think I can help you directly, but maybe we can share some tips/tricks. I'm in about the same stage you are in relearning some of my old skills, and I just so happen to be attempting a breakout clone, but in C++ using DirectX. I've come up with some designs, so maybe we can share.

Send me a PM if interested.

i just created a quick webpage.

anyone recommend a place to host this page for free? also recommend a free message forum to talk about the design and code?

Maybe Bravehost.com?
wow you got lots of replies on this one, lol. I actually recently finished my breakout game, but am so unsavvy when it comes the net that i have no clue where to put it so people could download it (i love gamedev, but mostly b/c it's free, i don't wanna pay for hosting here). Anyways... that idea about the physics is something i really wanted to add to my game, but since my physics skills are very subpar, and since it's easier just to move the paddle a set amount of units when keys are pressed, or have it follow the mouse's x coordinate than determine a "speed" i didn't follow that option. Also, i noticed someone said something about using directx. I agree that java would probably be far simpler for displaying the graphics, but personally i used pure win32 (no mfc) to do it, works very nicely and no icky d3d interfaces. interestingly enough, i'm playing around with my sprite class and have a q posted about it in another thread, lol.
Id love to help, im learning directx now but im relatively good at java. Id have to get out some books to review though.

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