Handling circle collisions

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12 comments, last by ketek 18 years, 3 months ago
If savagebeastx doesn't use some weird graphics API, then the origin is most likley at the upper left corner of the window.
[s]--------------------------------------------------------[/s]chromecode.com - software with source code
No, the origin is in the center. I'm using OpenGL. The big circle is at the center.
Oh, ok. It looked like some window API graphics.
[s]--------------------------------------------------------[/s]chromecode.com - software with source code
this is the function i use to detect collision beetween spheres
this function uses the concept of midrange osculation plane
( i don't know how else to call it ).
Note that this function gives correct result even
with high speed for both spehres.

int C2DPhysicEngine::SphereSphereCollTest( CParticle *A,
CParticle *B )

Vector P,Q,Dir,MidPoint;

double eps = 0.000001f;

Dir = A->Position-B->Position;




MidPoint = ( Q + P ) *0.5f;

if ( ( MidPoint-P ) * Dir <= eps )

// length of vector

Vector W=Q-P;

// relative penetration depth

Vector RelDist=W.Length()*Dir;

// sphere collided , handle
// repositioning and collision response

return 1;

return 0;

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