best single moments in gaming history

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63 comments, last by Rixter 18 years, 3 months ago
Of the ones listed so far, I'd say the Original Serious Sam, when you have to go to the end of this huge outdoor field, and once you pick up (whatever it was), you turn around, and start hearing those damn screams.

You start to see waves and waves of headless bomb guys coming at you. You switch to the Shotgun hoping you can take them each out with one shot, and start charging.


Once it's over, it's an incredible feeling, and Sam makes some remark afterwards (I think he yells yeehaw or something). Anyway, that one sticks out in my mind.


One other is the beginning of the original Unreal, when you enter some big circular room, and it starts flashing red, and playing some cool music, and some monster comes out at you. That was a cool scene as well, and I remember it vividly.

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Shadow of the Colossus: The first colossus
Shadow of the Colossus: The final colossus
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
receiving an award in the Twin Galaxies Video Game and Pinball record for one of the fastest times in the world..and i think one guy cheated but nonetheless i am on there. :)

you can check my times on Daytona USA if i was allowed to play more games at the time i would have gotten more. i want a shot at pac man.
The end of HL2.
The level in the original System Shock where you receive an email from the remnants of Tri-Op security to finally meet up with them, and not five minutes later you walk into the room with their dead bodies strewn about.

And your very first Cortex Reaver. Then SHODAN decides to pipe in.
Quote:Original post by John H
Completing each Doom game on Nightmare. Man, that was an awesome feeling! Completely insane all the way through. Some of the best fun I've had.

There's also a moment in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, on the last level just before the boss. You end up coming out of a huge corridor of death, and across a large field is a cathedral. In the middle of the field is a tiny ruin with 4 exits (left, right, ahead, behind). When you get to the ruin, a huge storm breaks out and you get attacked by literally hordes of enemies from all sides for probably 5 minutes. Getting past that on Serious difficulty was also incredibly rewarding. In fact, that entire last level was fantastic. One of the best last levels I've ever played, from the layout, to the enemies to the music.

yeah, I'd have to second this. Nothing in SS or SS2 quite compared to that moment in SS:SE. That was just awesome.

When I finished cant remember the name but anyway TMNT on snes :P
The end of Bionic Commando for the NES - when you discover that the final boss is Hitler's brain.
There is a part in FEAR, where there is a cell phone ringing in a cubicle, but the only thing you can see is a bloody ceiling tile. I don't know what possesed me to shoot the tile, but when the dead guy fell down I damn near fell out of my chair.

I'd also second _sigma's vote for the ending of HL2. One of the biggest cliffhangers I've ever seen before.

shit, there are so many little moments littered throughout my gaming experiences that I have to stop before I hurt myself thinking of them :D

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