Game Schools

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22 comments, last by RabidMarsupial 18 years, 1 month ago
currently I'm studying architecture at one of the renowned universities in Poland, but I'm looking forward to start attending UAT next year.

more than in games, I am interested in virtual reality and AI programming. their program suits my interests at 100%: programming and project design and development.

as for now, I'm going to take online classes to get acclimatized to the brand new study programme, but I'm hoping that within a year I'll switch to the on-campus mode.
I am a freshman at the University of New Hampshire, and although it's not a super well known school, it has a pretty tough CS program. Im finishing up second semester right now and as a senior in highschool I wanted to go to DigiPen or Georgia Tech more than anything in the world. I couldn't afford GT(27,000 + / yr) and I went out to DigiPen and found out that it really doesn't have much at all. I sat in on a few classes, which seemed fairly easy at the time, but the campus is really just a blank building with some lecture halls and computer labs, and a parking lot and a 7/11 down the street. The Nintendo building is nearby but there isn't much to do. It also as others have said limits your development as a person, everyone there is there for the same reason, and although it's an ambitious reason, there arn't really any extracurriculur stuff you can do, intermural sports etc., fun stuff like that, as well as a VERY limited group of girls, if thats what your interested in ;p. College is about learning and discovering, and I believe it would be hard for you to discover yourself as well as what you want from like in a full perspective without having people made up of different dimensions than you. Everyone there will be almost just like you and striving for the same thing. But whatever you do, good luck with your decisions,

Cheers, -Karakadin
Anybody know a Canada school for Game design?
Honestly, rs131, if you've got a full ride to GT, you should go there-- but be sure to head over to the ETC they have. Georgia Tech is a very competitive school and offers a solid curriculum. If you can't get in to a game company when you're done, try to get into the master's program at DigiPen.

HarryYan, there is a school in Montreal that UbiSoft is trying to start. I have no idea how it is. Digipen *used* to be in Canada.

@anonposter from UNH:
Classes are anything but easy. Since you design and make your own games, you are as free to hurt yourself with complication as your heart desires. You probably sat in on a few Freshman classes-- trust me, it gets harder. The state of our high school education in the US is nothing short of pathetic, and the classes have to accomodate that in the first year. I know guys that had straight A's in HS that didn't make it through the first year, let alone the second.
It's true, though, that there isn't a lot to look at here. There are sports that we put together ourselves, but it's really geared towards people serious about getting in the industry. Those serious about appearances need not apply. Well, except for the lack of women. Women, appearances or no, please apply!

Westwood? Those guys with the 'tighten up the graphics' commercials? They're still around?

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