Spatial and scenegraph implementation woes

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0 comments, last by noNchaoTic 18 years, 1 month ago
So I finally got my mesh loader rolling I now only have the SG and spatial partitioning left. What I had originally planned was having was having a normal scenegraph where each mesh node has an AABBTree, which then would be stored in an octree. Now while implementing i started wondering if this design would actually suffice? Now i know there ain't one answer for this question but do people have better suggestions? I've heard alot about ABT trees(?) but couldn't find anything real on them. Anybody have ressources about these in hand? [Edited by - JSoftware on March 30, 2006 12:40:24 PM]
I personally give each node (not just geomentry nodes) their own bounding volumes and propogate changes in transformations in a downward pass, and changes in the bounding volumes in an upward pass. That way you can eliminate multiple geomentry nodes from rendering (via frustum/occlussion testing) by testing the node which groups them together. The way you have seems like it would work fine. You might consider also adding render states to your scenegraph, and maybe lighting?
Steven ToveySPUify | Twitter

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