Text Adventure/RPG in Python - Help

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12 comments, last by Barius 17 years, 10 months ago
pm sent :)
I think a good document for learning Python and to help you with your Text Adventure would be www.byteofpython.info. It is an online book that you can download onto your computer, and has plenty of information for newbie python users, like me, and provides loads of examples. Check it out if you are interested, and you can even print it like a real book, although its like 96 pages.

Quote:Original post by Zahlman
Assuming Rob doesn't still have his mirror up of the stuff, you can PM me an email and I'll send it off.
Yeah, in the move over to Drupal, I lost all of my miscellanious files on my server. I'll get some kind of system working again. In the mean time, mind emailing me the love too?
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
Unless you want to program everything yourself for the sake of learning, you might be interested in PAWS (Python Adventure Writing System).

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