(cpp win32) How to make text entry like windows msn messenger?

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1 comment, last by Evil Steve 17 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I want to make a edit control like the textfield in windows msn messenger, where pressing 'enter' does not make a new line, and hitting 'shift + enter' does. I'm using sub classing so far to catch keypresses (so far doing nothing) from the edit control which uses the styles ES_MULTILINE and WS_VSCROLL, when pressing 'enter' it will create a new line. Thx
the edit control in MSN messenger isn't a window. it's a windowless control. so basically if you want it just like that you have to program a bitmapped edit control from scratch.
Either the Edit control or the RichEdit control will be able to do that just fine with the ES_MULTILINE style set. Pressing shift+enter inserts a \r, and pressing ctrl+enter inserts a \n. Pressing enter will cause a WM_COMMAND to be sent to the next control (I think).

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